View Full Version : Connecting pipes

28th August 2006, 04:09 PM
hey all.

I just finished putting up my new shed:p :p :D :D :p :D :p :D and now need to connect to storm water. Unfortunately i need to connect PVC pipe to clay/terracotta pipes.
I'm sure i wouldn't be the first person to do this, hence there must be a solution that i dont know about. Any help would be much appreciated.


Wood Butcher
28th August 2006, 04:44 PM
Punch a hole in the terracotta pipe just bif enough for the pvc pipe. Insert pvc pipe and seal around the pipes and the hole with a stiff mix of concrete.

28th August 2006, 07:19 PM
Or you can get a quick plumb, which is a rubber connecting pipe with a steel pipe clamp at each end.

28th August 2006, 07:33 PM
there is a fitting available called a "100mm earthenware collar" specifically designed to attach PVC to terracotta pipe. If you are using 90mm PVC stormwater pipe you may also need a 90 X 100mm adapter.

28th August 2006, 09:18 PM
Do they still make earthenware collars???I thought they had gone out when plumb quicks were invented.I haven't seen anything done in earthenware for many years.


journeyman Mick
28th August 2006, 11:27 PM
There's a pvc fitting that can be mortared in to the bell end of an earthen ware pipe, then you just glue the pvc pipe into the fitting. Sorry, no idea what they're called, but I've got some stashed somewhere.


30th August 2006, 08:36 PM
They also make a fitting like mick says,but it is fitted with a rubber ring raather than mortar.


30th August 2006, 09:19 PM
There's a pvc fitting that can be mortared in to the bell end of an earthen ware pipe, then you just glue the pvc pipe into the fitting. Sorry, no idea what they're called, but I've got some stashed somewhere.


Out in the sticks they call it an earthenware collar but it fits on the pipe rather than the bell end, but they might have changed the name in the big smoke. When I order an earthenware collar the local hardware guy might translate that into what it is called now. It is simply a collar that can be fitted to terracotta pipe and suits a 100mm pvc pipe on the other end. I will ask my supplier for its catalogue name. If you need to connect pvc to the bell end of earthenware most plumbers just put pvc solvent on the end of the pvc pipe for about 70mm then while still wet, roll this around in clean dry sand, giving a key for mortar, then just mortar joint thr pvc to the eartenware.

31st August 2006, 11:27 AM
a plumb quick is what you want. Even Bunnings sell them for less than $20.
Or go to Tradlink or other and get one for $12.

Very easy and simpbe to install. Just need to reasonably cleanly cut the terracotta pipe with diamond balde in angle grinder.