View Full Version : ducks in pool

Farm boy
25th August 2006, 02:59 PM
I need help with a little problem
we have 2 dams on our place but the wild mongrel ducks have started using our pool, how do i get rid of them or deter them apart from lead injection as i am in suburbia and it is not apreciated by the neighbours:D
any advice apreciated

Wood Butcher
25th August 2006, 03:10 PM

FIL had a pool that was always visited by the wild ducks and the only solution that he came up with was to get a flightless domestic duck to live in the pool area. (He did try other options but never with ay success).
He reckons it was easier to clean up one duck's sh*t than heaps of duck's sh*t!

25th August 2006, 04:10 PM
See if you can get a plastic duck from the pool shop. I have heard they deter ducks.

Cliff Rogers
25th August 2006, 04:13 PM
Drain the pool. :D

25th August 2006, 09:24 PM
Plastic 3D hawk model - I think you get them from yachtie/boating places. Some shooting places also sell 3D owl models as crow lures - I don't know if they work for ducks, but they draw crows like a magnet.

I have also seen the hawk models used to discourage pigeons, so there must be a ready source, or build one out of wood ;)

journeyman Mick
25th August 2006, 10:47 PM
A rural supply store should be able to sell you a plastic hawk silhoette. You hang them up high so they hover around in any breeze. They work well keeping birds out of orchards, so should work on ducks.


25th August 2006, 11:46 PM

But it may keep you awake at night!


26th August 2006, 12:17 AM
One solution is a small battery operated current:rolleyes:, even better still, if you like eating duck, float a rat trap on a semi sunken float, where a duck can get to feed that is in the trap, and presto Duck for dinner:eek:, not my way of dealing with ducks, we had the same problem, got a dog that scares the heck out of them when they come in for a landing, and as soon as the do, the dog (Jack Russel) is out there, bye bye Daffy, also can purchase small alarms that float, when anything disturbs the water, ie kid, dog lol, ducks etc, the noise will scare em and also if kids are there, safety plus. good luck, hunting whatever

26th August 2006, 12:19 AM

26th August 2006, 01:57 PM
Can't remember what it's called but pool shops sell a product that you add to the pool water that deters ducks. Can't remember if it is distasteful to ducks or just how it is supposed to work.


Farm boy
26th August 2006, 05:12 PM
thanks for your tips guys
i thought of putting the wifes maltese terrier in the pool yard but it cant swim as it has to much hair and will sink:eek: so i might go for a 3d hawk.
what are wood ducks like to eat ?the old wifes tale was you cook them with a rock and when the rocks soft ,throw the duck away and eat the rock

Eddie Jones
26th August 2006, 05:19 PM

My thoughts too, but he says he's in suburbia. Dont think they make a silencer for shotguns.........mmmm....new project????

26th August 2006, 08:03 PM
Had the same problem...I purchased an inflatible pool tool that looked like a crocodile for $9.95. (From K-mart I think)

Floats in the pool and they stay away.

27th August 2006, 03:03 AM
Last time I ate duck, besides spitting out the lead pellets:eek:, I loved it, esp in a Stir fry, even better but you have to ask the duck where it comes from, is Peking duck :D, lol. One duck may not be worth the effort, depends on size, tasty anyway. My dog can't swim either, they are pretty smart dogs, best not to teach em how to swim, yukky stuff besides duck doings as well, careful of what you use, coz you know what happens when you scare the S... out of somthing, S... happens in your pool