View Full Version : How to break down dog crap

22nd August 2006, 06:58 PM
Catchie title I know but does anyone know the best way to speed up the breakdown of dog do. I have 2 very productive dogs and would like to know what contraptions or additives are used by people to break it down quickly into the soil or where ever its buried

Auld Bassoon
22nd August 2006, 07:09 PM
I don't know why, but a neighbours nature strip a couple of hundred metres away springs to mind :eek: :D

22nd August 2006, 07:29 PM
Get the biggest mallet you can find and while still moist ( no, not the mallet) give it the biggest whack you have.

Wont speed up the process, but its fun.

Al :p

22nd August 2006, 07:29 PM
Leave the grass a little longer and keep it moist so it can mulch in. Get some dung beetles. Marvelous little creatures take the do dos and roll it into little balls and bury it for you. :)

22nd August 2006, 07:33 PM
Stick it into a compost bin. The worms absolutely love the stuff. I have 2 medium size dogs and that's where it all goes.

Auld Bassoon
22nd August 2006, 07:36 PM
Get the biggest mallet you can find and while still moist ( no, not the mallet) give it the biggest whack you have.

Wont speed up the process, but its fun.

Al :p

Eeeewwww! Just make sure that you're wearing BIG wellies :D - or wait until the Postie is just turning up on s/his dinky little moped :eek: :D :D :D

Actually, come to think of it, now I know why my gardening service chap wears his "space suit" kit :D :D - and I haven't even got a dog. But my neighbour does :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

22nd August 2006, 09:53 PM
What about taking a leaf out of the northerners cane toad book & go at the shyte with the driver? :p

No, not you, Col :D

22nd August 2006, 09:57 PM
We bury ours under sugar cane in the garden, but I did see at the gardening Australia show that there was a guy who was selling composting bins designed to break down dog crap. Maybe google or call the local RSPA/Animal welfare league, as they may have a contact for you?

22nd August 2006, 10:23 PM

Perhaps a good start would be to stop feeding them Pal, or whatever is causing the over production of doggie landmines. I just sling ours in the compost heap, if really soft hit em with the garden hose and propel them into the garden which seems to break them down in the process, set the lawn mower blades low will see amazing results. Other wise train them to crap on the garden beds, if you succeed let me know how you did it.

My confession is I simply leave it until SWMBO hits the roof and clean up a few weeks worth in one hit for a bit of peace and quiet. This pile of filth then makes it into the compost and the worms seem pretty effective at getting rid of it.


Cliff Rogers
22nd August 2006, 11:41 PM
John beat me.... the mower does an ace job. :p

Dung bettles also work, if you have them in your area.

23rd August 2006, 08:31 AM
How about collecting it on a spade and dumping it in the garbage bin? It is supposed to not be good for the garden. Or get a small dog, who doesn't do lots of dumps

23rd August 2006, 10:23 AM
I buy the expensive 20kg bags of dog food from the vets - works out cheaper per month, healthier, less farts and the poo's are smaller and drier.
Dog poo goes under the garden pine bark in summer and breaks down quickly, in winter is has to go in the bin.
Pick it up twice a week at least and the jobs not too bad.

The compost bins that use a bacteria to assist in the breakdown ( http://www.bokashi.com.au/Products.htm ) work a treat as well, a mate has one and it handles the waste from 2 german shep's.

23rd August 2006, 10:57 AM
Side question..........

Why is it when you step in one you always have shoes on with tread that has excellent holding qualities??????

stumbling dubbo
23rd August 2006, 02:05 PM
You can do an intenet search for doggie septic and they have in ground systems under $200.
Careful with putting the crap into worm farms and compost as it has some lingering dangers that aren't really healthy and you can't use it on veggies etc.
Aren't we all always in the pooh it's just the depth that varies?

23rd August 2006, 02:24 PM
00 Buckshot out of a 12Ga.
really solves the poo problem.
Solves the barking too...:D

23rd August 2006, 05:27 PM
John beat me.... the mower does an ace job. :p

Dung bettles also work, if you have them in your area.

Wot Cliff Sez.

The other trick we once relied on was to use a 4" dia auger (hand post hole digger). Drill a hole about 3' deep in the back of a garden somewhere, and just keep tipping the poop into that, cover each deposit with a bit of soil.

A doggy version of the long drop, but it works a treat.



Eddie Jones
23rd August 2006, 06:06 PM
Wot Cliff Sez.

The other trick we once relied on was to use a 4" dia auger (hand post hole digger). Drill a hole about 3' deep in the back of a garden somewhere, and just keep tipping the poop into that, cover each deposit with a bit of soil.

A doggy version of the long drop, but it works a treat.



I think better to make it a 12" auger, 6 foot deep, then deposit rover into it. Only have to do it once!

23rd August 2006, 06:42 PM
why not just pick it up regularly and flush it down the loo?

Cliff Rogers
23rd August 2006, 11:29 PM
why not just pick it up regularly and flush it down the loo?
Rover???? :confused:
How does he keep coming back?
Didn't you take his tags off before you flushed him? :confused:

24th August 2006, 07:55 AM
Quite right, I add a bit of lime and then some dirt. Even makes the trees gow. Especially the dogwood.

24th August 2006, 09:24 AM
feed your dog quality food. Most vets can tell what a dog eats within 2 minutes of being in their clinic. Canned food is just that ... beleive their advertising if you want but its bullshxt (excuse the pun). Our dogs eat only raw chicken necks and carcasses and vet bought dry food. They have never been sick. The vet just loves seeing them for their shots cause'they are always so healthy'. Tony

24th August 2006, 10:04 AM
Neighbours mailbox or mail it to your local member with nom stamp or return address.
As for Pal, nothing like a juicy Pal fart in the car when going out for the day:(
We don't buy it but someone fed our lot a tin once, the dog farts were memorable to say the least.

24th August 2006, 10:19 AM
Put it in a paper bag on your neighbours doorstep, set it on fire, knock and run. Problem solved.

24th August 2006, 01:45 PM
You could always bag it up at the end of the week and drop it in your bin for disposal. Or if the neighbors have a dog drop it over the fence. I'm pretty lucky as we back onto a lagre parcel of useless land becuse it falls below the flood zone. I chuck it all of the back fence. What about using Lime does that break it up any quicker?

24th August 2006, 05:09 PM
Police Dog poo all goes in worm farms.

24th August 2006, 09:56 PM
...As for Pal, nothing like a juicy Pal fart in the car when going out for the day:(

Thanks for that, Iain, the memories of that trip up to ozwinner's still linger in the upholstery :( :( :p

24th August 2006, 10:56 PM
Wasn't me, no pizza the night befoe;)