View Full Version : pressure pump question please

21st August 2006, 09:07 AM
Hi guys.
Our place had a spare pressure pump setup on the house tanks . Think they use to use it for a second set of tanks when the house tanks ran out anyway l wanna use it on the cabin we're doing.
l didn't take any notice of how the inlet and outlet pipes fitted when l took it off- silly bugar , so l dunno which is which . Hasn't got anything written on it .
So which one goes in and which one goes out ?
lt's a Davey 350 P , has the bubble thing on the top of the pump with a pipe connection , then it has another one at the bottom comming out from the front of the motor section .
l'd put in a pic but the cam's playing up .

Thanks for that.
PS , Forgot , l have a second even sillier question . What do you do when you first fire them up , don't you have to put air in them or something . l have a pump and pressure gage and stuff . l know , l wish it had a manual to but it doesn't . 2nd bugar !

21st August 2006, 10:18 AM
You'll find a manual online at www.davey.com.au (http://www.davey.com.au), just search for XP350P

21st August 2006, 12:27 PM
You will usually find the top hole is the outlet.

If it has an air tank on it you need to have the pump turned off with a tap turned on to releive any pressure in the pipes and put about 15 PSI in the air tank.

If the pump is higher than the water tank you will have to prime the pump with water and get any air out of the inlet pipe.

Eddie Jones
21st August 2006, 12:39 PM
Outlet is directly below the "bubble thingy".

21st August 2006, 10:21 PM
Thanks very much for that guys very much appreciated .
Once again this place and it's good people have helped out the fumbling .
lt really must be my shout l'd say so thanks again .

MB .

PS , now we can't try this on my pump we'll have to use someone elses but l wonder what we get if we put the inlets and outlets back to front - that would really be fun to watch .
Maybe you get a high pressured tank instead of a tap !!! :rolleyes: :confused: :eek: