View Full Version : Skirtings help!

18th August 2006, 09:10 AM
Hi guys:)

I have searched and cant find a thread on cutting skirting boards. I have been using my GMC Drop saw to cut angled mitres but have noticed the gaps in ther corners and have had to use a mo more gaps to fill it in.

I heard about scribing or something like that can someone point me in the direction of a good website or thread with photos on how to cut skirting for a good finish without movement and gaps forming once nailed down.

Im am laying tiles at the moment and am getting ready to lay my skirts on top.

any help appreciated


18th August 2006, 09:26 AM
Moring Jay,

The idea with skirting is to cut the profile of the board into one end so it butts up against the other angle nicely. Bit hard to explain in words, but I found this site a while ago that explains it quite well (with pictures too).


Hope that helps get you started!

18th August 2006, 05:42 PM
cheers mate

20th August 2006, 09:24 PM
has anyone good a web based video or something on how its done . Im hopless when its comes to directions i need a visual???


21st August 2006, 02:37 PM
Don't know about a video, but there's some handy docs on this site. The coping cut is the one you're after. I think it explains it a bit better than the link I gave before.
