View Full Version : Rendering the House

16th August 2006, 06:31 PM
I am considering rendering the house. It is a 30+ year old structure with deep raked joints and a very rough surfaced brick. I imagine it will "eat" the render but will have plenty of key :rolleyes: I have been told there is an acrylic based render that is very easy to apply and reasonabley priced and very 'repeatable' from batch to batch but the informant could not remember the name. This person had helped his brother (builder) render a house in 2 days for $1300 when they had been quoted $16,500 by the pros :eek:

Anyone know what the product would be or can recommend one product over another?

David L

16th August 2006, 08:30 PM

I would doubt whether you would render a house in 2 days for 2 guys after being quoted 16k

from memory material equates to around 25-35% of total price for 3-coat system

their is a lot of "labour" in rendering, material is generally a minor component of the total price as such

material does increase as number of coats increase

you can buy bags of "acrylic dry mix" in most states,

if your joints are raked out though I would be doing 1 coat of this mix with a component of sand and cement added just to bulk up the render as will use a lot filling raked joints

good luck

16th August 2006, 08:39 PM
I am considering rendering the house. It is a 30+ year old structure with deep raked joints and a very rough surfaced brick. I imagine it will "eat" the render but will have plenty of key :rolleyes: I have been told there is an acrylic based render that is very easy to apply and reasonabley priced and very 'repeatable' from batch to batch but the informant could not remember the name. This person had helped his brother (builder) render a house in 2 days for $1300 when they had been quoted $16,500 by the pros :eek:

Anyone know what the product would be or can recommend one product over another?

David L

I would be very caustious about these claims that the pros "quoted $16,500", but we did it for only $19.95 including beer money.

Ask around, gets some quotes, I doubt the average handy man can get the results of a pro.

With the raked joints, they will have to be filled first to get a good result.

Al :)