View Full Version : lacquer sander/sealers
15th August 2006, 05:13 PM
I have recently moved from Queensland to West Australia. I have been useing a lacquer sander sealer which I purchased through Solver Paints. It was an American brand. Unfortunately I have not been able to find a supplier here. Can anyone assist me in this matter ?
It's great for applying on the lathe as because of it's quick drying characteristics, whereas turps based sander/sealers take a while
16th August 2006, 04:12 PM
Further to my previous post, the name of the coating I used was:
" Ameron Coatings "
The versions I used were: Ultralac 863 & Untralac 800
20th August 2006, 09:56 PM
Most companies that make paint for the general hardware trade have a lacquer sanding sealer. Wattyl have one you should be able to buy it easily in WA
22nd August 2006, 02:51 PM
Thanks Durwood. Will chase it up, although I have tried the local hardware and Solver outlet with no success. Now that I have a brand name it could be a different story. I'm a painter and decorator by trade, but have not found this item availble from the usual paint manufacturers
22nd August 2006, 08:09 PM
There is a company that sells laquer products under the brand name mirotone. These are very good products and would more than likely compatible with other laquer products, although a small test would be advisable if you were going to try and apply it over another product.
The company is called JH WLIBERFORCE (page 632 white pages) in Clune st Bayswater.
Good luck.
22nd August 2006, 08:26 PM
Ameron coatings...
WESTERN AUSTRALIA Contact Ameron through our toll-free number:
1300 659 666
Just found out they are the same company as PPG!
23rd August 2006, 10:50 AM
Thanks everyone for your help. Will give Ameron a call today
23rd August 2006, 05:25 PM
All done and dusted. Got a 4lt can of 800 sander sealer arriving next week from Sydney - $36 plus GST.