View Full Version : EEE application??

10th August 2006, 02:35 PM

I have sprayed a Merbau? computer top 1200 x 700
using Feast Watson Floorseal. 5 coats sanding in between
and i hav just received in the mail my EEE Ultra-shine
and my swansdown mop.

I am after some tips on using the EEE as i have never
used it before.


10th August 2006, 03:05 PM
Check out Neil's video (available via the Video thread). he spends quite a bit of time on EEE.

But, just rub it on with a clean, soft cloth. The more you rub, the more it breaks down and the more it breaks down, the finer it cuts. Let it dry buff it with a soft cloth and then give it a buff with the mop. But make sure you use the mop outside first, it gives off a lot of fluff initially. Make sure you turn the mop around (reverse the drill) as you get to each end. It saves the thing grabbing the end and flying off. (Hard to explain but it's on the video).

The video link is in my signature at the bottom of this post.

10th August 2006, 04:30 PM

Thanks i will give it a go today and see how it
comes up!!


10th August 2006, 04:54 PM
One more point (and I apologise if you already know this) , EEE is not a finish, it's a buffing compound. It does polish up but the polish will dull over time. Trad wax, for example, is a finish and will keep the shine.


10th August 2006, 08:23 PM

Should i use this EEE over the Feast Watson Floorseal
then get some Wax to finish it?


11th August 2006, 09:05 AM
Hi Daniel.

Yes, I would. My personal opinion based on using EEE and Trad Wax is that they are great. The difference between a surface before and after EEE is, to me, very noticeable. Using the Trad Wax means the piece has a great quality finish on it that only needs a quick swipe to clear off any dust and about 30 seconds of a quick polish to bring it back to your desired shine. Plus, applying another coat of wax later is easy. Oh and using the Swansdown mop is great - saves my CSI-riddled arms, especially when I want lots of shine.

No, I don't earn commission from this, I just plain love the UBeaut gear because it works.

If you have any doubts about finishing, try it all out on a scrap piece of the same timber first.

Would love to see some photos if you can.

have fun!


11th August 2006, 01:32 PM
I used EEE over FW floorseal on a jarrah display case

and it came up very nice. Used same method as what Gumby described.


11th August 2006, 03:18 PM
I am after some tips on using the EEE as i have never
used it before.

Hi Daniel,

Also don't allow eee to touch metal
as it will tend to go dark around that area, don't ask how I know:(

That's after I read the instructions telling me not to touch metal:)

Rgds Phil.

11th August 2006, 07:35 PM
Yeah on the metal, but it sure makes the cast top of my tablesaw shine nicely!

15th August 2006, 09:02 AM
Thanks for all the help, i have a couple of days
off now:D , so i will see how it comes up.

I will try and post some pics when its done.

Thanks heaps:)
