View Full Version : Requesting map co-ordinates

9th August 2006, 05:45 PM
Can anyone please supply me with the map co-ordinates for Garvoc, Victoria. I want to see if I can get a satelite download.(Princes Hwy would be helpful)

9th August 2006, 05:52 PM

Type Garvoc, Australia into Google Earth, and it will take you straight there. It is at 38° 18' S, 142° 50' E.


9th August 2006, 06:11 PM

Type Garvoc, Australia into Google Earth, and it will take you straight there. It is at 38° 18' S, 142° 50' E.


Thanks Rocker I am on my way.

Auld Bassoon
9th August 2006, 06:16 PM
Fascinating facility, Google Earth. I wonder what someone from, say 1900, would have thought of it, if they could have seen it..?

9th August 2006, 06:47 PM
Fascinating facility, Google Earth. I wonder what someone from, say 1900, would have thought of it, if they could have seen it..?

It was way too hard to run computers from gas, thats why we all had to wait for elctricity.

Mah, I need a shilling for the gas meter as my monitor is going dull again..

Al :p

Auld Bassoon
9th August 2006, 07:30 PM
Yeah, and the cpu, memory, etc were just abacus beads or little brass wheels on interlinked & geared shafts :D