View Full Version : Huon/Mytrle and Ubeaut Shellac

8th August 2006, 06:45 PM

Will it be okay to use ubeaut dewaxed blonde shellac on a bedside table that is made of huon pine with myrtle inlays.

I know the shellac is okay on the huon but could it cause the myrtle to bleed into the huon.:confused:



8th August 2006, 06:48 PM
I have used Ubeaut blonde on both timbers, I cant see how it would bleed.
I take it you mean it to bleed colour from the Myrtle to the Huon?
I cant see how it could do it.

Al :)

Auld Bassoon
8th August 2006, 07:39 PM
Per Al's comments. Short answer is the shellac will be fine.