View Full Version : Granite Rough Side?

7th August 2006, 06:56 PM

had an estate agent drop by today. As I was showing him my kitchen he grabbed by breakfast bar top and said, "Is this a granite transformation?"

I replied, "No its real granite.Why?" He then said that its not polished, its rough as...underneath".

I've always assumed that they just polished the top, the edges and a couple of mm underneath...and left the rest flat/relatively smooth unpolished....Is that normal?

7th August 2006, 07:25 PM
Just checked mine , anywear you can see or tough is polished , inside the cupboard the underside is un polished
Looks like whover did yours cut a few corners :cool:

7th August 2006, 09:57 PM
Hmm..been in for three years and really only just noticed it....time to complain has probably passed...

I wonder how hard it would be to polish the underneath of the tops...

7th August 2006, 10:47 PM
They use angle grinders with diamond pollishing disks and heaps of water ? I think , BUT produce heaps of dust , imagine doing it dry in your kitchen
Might be easier to see if someone can do it for you if you can get it off and to their shop:rolleyes:


7th August 2006, 11:29 PM

Your real estate agent is an F*wit they don't polish the underneath. Some of the slabs are fairly smooth because the diamond blades used to slice the stuff thin enough for bench tops leave a finish that is similar to what used to be called "rubbed" which is the pre finish before polishing. There will be some variety in the underneath depending on which quarry or yard the original slabs came from. If it is of interest a little roughness helps the bench stick to the base not that it matters that much. However if you would really like it polished go and get a quote on what it would cost to get both sides polished and all edges then you will really see why the real estate agent is an idiot. By the way look at the polish on fine furniture are all the hidden bits done as well, of course not only a dill would waste time polishing surfaces that can't be seen by any one but a turkey proving how little he knows.


8th August 2006, 12:10 AM
You have to pay extra if you want the underside polished. (I haven't had a client yet who has even asked about that)

Of course, your real estate agent would certainly get you more money for your home because the undersides are polished....:rolleyes:

Yeah right!!!

Honorary Bloke
8th August 2006, 12:56 AM
G'day Spartan,

I am both an estate agent in the US and an experienced reno DIYer. So I am confident when I say that your agent is a twit. :rolleyes: No one polishes both sides of the granite. What's the point? Relax. It's okay.

8th August 2006, 10:42 AM
So to confirm...my 30mm slab is with 1mm polish underneath is completely normal?

8th August 2006, 11:20 AM

8th August 2006, 01:07 PM

A useful learning exercise.

You have learned that there is nothing wrong with your bench top and your estate agent is inept. Sack the f..wit.

We have learned that "twit" is american for f..wit.



PS: Did he check that your wall studs were properly french polished before the gyprock was installed?