View Full Version : Concrete slab, how smooth for floating floor boards?

6th August 2006, 02:35 PM
Hi all,

I am currently in the process of removing my slate flooring with a jack hammer (jobs killing me). Im planning on installing floating floor boards using the foam underlay provided.

The concrete is pretty smooth but as you can imagine it is very hard to remove every bit of glue. Basically the floor has 1mm high patches of glue here and there and I dont really want to hire a concrete sander if I dont have to.

My question is would the foam underlay iron out any indescrepency's in the concrete slab?


Larry McCully
6th August 2006, 04:13 PM
It is possible to get away with it , but for the best results, hire a grinder. But floating floors are designed to go over uneven surfaces. You will be fine.

6th August 2006, 04:34 PM
It is possible to get away with it , but for the best results, hire a grinder. But floating floors are designed to go over uneven surfaces. You will be fine.

Thank god for that! Its a releif to know that it will be ok as getting the darn slate off is a big enough of a job itself without then having to grind the floor as smooth as ice.

The one thing I will do for certain though is fill the deep jack hammer hits.

Thanks Larry :)