View Full Version : Linseed Oil Or Tung Oil
2nd August 2006, 08:34 PM
Im looking to find out if Linseed Oil or Tung Oil are good to keep the moisture in wood. Basically I have a sports stick made of ash, and I want to keep the MC in the ash. Which one of the oils is good for doing this or is there another one. Also, is boiled linseed oil (BLO) any better than normal Linseed oil.
Much appreciate your feedback
3rd August 2006, 08:50 AM
Linseed oil has been used for ages on many wooden sporting items.
I remember applying it every 6 months or so to a cricket bat and it kept the old chunk of wood smashing away at cricket balls for many years :)
3rd August 2006, 10:05 AM
Im looking to find out if Linseed Oil or Tung Oil are good to keep the moisture in wood. Basically I have a sports stick made of ash, and I want to keep the MC in the ash. Which one of the oils is good for doing this or is there another one. Also, is boiled linseed oil (BLO) any better than normal Linseed oil.
Much appreciate your feedback
I only have limited experience with Tung oil since it produces such a dull and dark finish. I can't say which is better for moisture retention.
BLO will dry far quicker (especially in a cool climate) than normal Linseed oil. Normal linseed can take days to dry and can leave a sticky residue that never really hard. BLO should only take a day or less to dry and should leave no residue.
I used BLO on wooden tool handles. I usually apply 2 wipe coats of straight BLO and then a couple of coats of BLO together with a couple of drops of white shellac to the handles. This adds a bit of a shine and silky smoothness to the finish. It's perfect for handles.