View Full Version : Pergola - What Timber?
8th May 2002, 01:48 PM
SWMBO wants a pergola for the roses to climb over. What timber would you guys suggest I use. I see oregon is out and I don't much like treated pine.
Any suggestions?
8th May 2002, 03:15 PM
Cost aside for a something like this I would use a durable timber (class 1, 2 or 3 durability)- the likes of messmate. Jarrah and red gum (class 1 & 2 durability) are also more than suitable for in ground posts.
I wouldn't recommend oregon as this will require extensive painting and maintenance.
Talk to your local timber merchant(s) and see what they've got.
A good reference for building is the Carport and Pergola Design & Construction Manual -Timber Promotion Council:
8th May 2002, 07:11 PM
i would suggest Celery Top Pine, if you can get it in NSW, it has a durability rating of 1-the highest. It is extremely popular in Tasmania for outdoor structures and can be left without a coating if you prefer the natural weathered grey look. Check it out on this web site
9th May 2002, 12:39 AM
Don't do my son !!!!!!!
It's bad Kama to plant /allow SWMBO to plant those things !
Guess who gets the thorns while mowing around/ pruning/ cleaning etc ?
In the interest of domestic harmony, errect a substancial 'pagola frame'( which can be converted to a shed/workshop at a later date ) and allow the planting to proceed, just substitute Roundup in the watering can/ fertiliser bottle. After a short while you can easily convince her that roses are just notsuited to your area and the interest wanes. Hmm now what new tools can I get for the new workshop ?
Not a word has passed my lips