View Full Version : how much
1st August 2006, 11:46 PM
fellas I'm putting in a light slab down and as its out of town getting a redimix truck in is not in the equation so can anybody tell me how many bags of cement (40Kg) I would need to put down a slab 6mx9mx75mm thick. It wont need to be in one pour so I should manage it ok as I've done this before but with redimix.
DJ’s Timber
2nd August 2006, 01:01 AM
G'day fsxt
Working on the basic's of needing 55 40kg bags of premix concrete to make up 1 cubic metre of concrete you would need approx 220 bags
30 bags of cement,1.6 cubic metres of damp sand and 3.5 cubic metres of aggregate which should be 50/50 10mm and 20mm stone
I found this information here
I would be trying to get a concrete company to truck it in as this is a fair wack of concrete and if it is not mixed properly you can have problems further down the track
Cheers DJ
2nd August 2006, 07:04 AM
Geez thats an awesome name for a site aye :p
2nd August 2006, 06:45 PM
4 cubic metres of concrete is a reasonable amount, considering a large cement truck would only carry 5.5 cubic metres.
Anyway I have forgotten the formula.
Concrete weighs 2.4 tonnes a cubic metre, I think.
When you order your sand and gravel mix [usually premixed] from the quarry it will be measured in tonnes not cubic metres.
So 1 cubic metre of premix would be 2.4 tonnes.
Anyway you will have around 8 tonnes of sand and gravel mix plus around 50 20 kg bags of cement, how will you get this delivered?
I saved around $80 a cubic metre mixing myself.
I would enquire as to cost of delivery for the concrete, for the sand and gravel mix has to be delivered anyway.
Call a few quarries and they should be able to tell you the tonnage of sand and gravel mix required.
If doing yourself maybe do in two parts if not have lots of help.
Good Luck
2nd August 2006, 09:39 PM
If by cement you mean buying the aggregate and mixing it yourself it should be about 5 bags per cubic metre, 20 Bags at 40kg would more than cover it. Mixing that much in a small mixer will keep you busy for awhile, easier if you grab a few mates and get a couple of mixers going to speed up the process.
2nd August 2006, 11:06 PM
Can you still get 40kg bags of cement? Last 2 places I have tried said they now only sell them in 20kg bags, presumably for OH&S reasons.
2nd August 2006, 11:15 PM
fellas I'm putting in a light slab down and as its out of town getting a redimix truck in is not in the equation so can anybody tell me how many bags of cement (40Kg) I would need to put down a slab 6mx9mx75mm thick. It wont need to be in one pour so I should manage it ok as I've done this before but with redimix.
if you're so far out of town that the concrete would go off before it was delivered, what you can do is get the readimix truck to load up with the correct sand, gravel, cement mix at the plant and only add the water once they get to your place. Talk to the plant about using a window when the truck would otherwise be idle.
Oh, I make it about 35, 40kg bags = 1.4 tones
journeyman Mick
2nd August 2006, 11:50 PM
Can you still get 40kg bags of cement? Last 2 places I have tried said they now only sell them in 20kg bags, presumably for OH&S reasons.
I've been hearin about these OH & S friendly 20Kg bags for about ten or more years now but have never seen one in the North. Must breed em tougher (or less intelligent;) ) around here.
3rd August 2006, 01:03 AM
thanks for th input fellas ...
I ended up with 22 bags of cement (not premix) as I am doing this over several days its no great effort.
cant use a truck as the track is too narrow and has overhanging tree branches for a truck to get there.
Mick I reckon it must be a city thing as we still gett 40kg bags in the bush...and its cheaper too :D
3rd August 2006, 12:43 PM
Weve had the mini bags here for about 2 years.
The price went down a tad when they converted to them, now I pay as much for the 20kg as I used to pay for the 40kg bags.
It makes life easier when mixing though, just empty the whole bag into the mixer and its the right strenght.
Al :)
3rd August 2006, 01:23 PM
I've been hearin about these OH & S friendly 20Kg bags for about ten or more years now but have never seen one in the North. Must breed em tougher (or less intelligent;) ) around here.
It's just slow-moving stock!
:D :D :D
3rd August 2006, 03:59 PM
You guys must be old.... :p LOL
Granted Ive only been into really stuck into home reno for a few years but Ive only EVER seen 20kgs bags;)
3rd August 2006, 09:31 PM
I ended up with 22 bags of cement (not premix) as I am doing this over several days its no great effort.
PeteI make it about 200kg of cement per cubic metre. It'll be a pretty weak slab.
From memory 150kg cement (+90 kg fly ash) per cubic metre equates to a strength of about 5MPa.
good luch with the project