View Full Version : Silicon around the bath/shower/sink

23rd January 2002, 09:02 AM
Something I wish I had picked up years before I did, and hope to save a few others some heartache.
Apply your silicone with the usual caulking gun and when a run is complete, get a bottle of el cheapo washing up liquid and put some in a small contained. Insert index finger of prefered hand into liquid and run along the bead you have just laid. VIOLA...a beautiful smooth rounded bead of silicon. Re apply detergent to finger as needed.
The detergent will not penetrate the silicon and when set just wipe off with a damp cloth.
I always used to wonder how the tradies got a nice smooth bead while mine was always a jagged mess.

Rod Smith
23rd January 2002, 08:48 PM
Thanks Iain
I have changed to the acrylic caulk, where paractical. Its easier to get a good finish but has to be re-applied several times over the years to fill the shrinkage cracks. Whenever I use silicon its a dogs breakfast, normally used turps for clean up, but will try this new fangled method next time.

Dennis Hill
24th January 2002, 03:50 PM
Hi, I've had some sucess with a product called "Sicaflex" that is used in the automotive trade to stick and seal car parts together. It seems to flex ok and also seems to stick better than silicone. No problem with paint not sticking either.

24th January 2002, 04:22 PM
I was referring more to the use of coloured silicone for the range of matching baths and walls, in our case, lamipanel. It just creates a nice smooth concave finish with the detergent acting as a non stick lubricating medium.