View Full Version : Insulation advice

21st July 2006, 10:16 AM
Hi all,
we are attempting to insulate cathedral ceilings with a 90mm space to play with. Is there a way of achieving an R3.5 or higher rating in that space?


21st July 2006, 03:32 PM
Yep indeed there is. Its called Silver Batts Insulation system.

Have installed their TOP HAT product (box section foil batts) that are rated for R6.4

Check them out on http://www.tradeconnect.com.au/insulation-silverbatts-c-15_149.html

Very easy to install and at 50mm thick they will work for you nicely.

21st July 2006, 03:38 PM
Just wondering....I have fibreglass blanket type insulation that is right under my metal roofing sheets.

With the typical 'bat type insulation they are on top of hte ceiling plaster etc....

Is one method better than the other.....and is there any advantage of using both or would it trap heat/cold in the wrong place...ie. in your ceiling cavity....