View Full Version : Great Chimp-tation Question 5 Parts 1-3

20th July 2006, 08:37 AM
When were the first land tanks used in battle ?

Whya re the called tanks ?

Which side deployed them ?

20th July 2006, 08:39 AM
When were the first land tanks used in battle ?

Whya re the called tanks ?

Which side deployed them ?

Western front?
I know but cant recall, bugger. But hang on weren't they like Furphies, water tanks? A name to disguise them?

20th July 2006, 08:45 AM
close... q1 - When, not where... ?

20th July 2006, 08:48 AM
Got me there but think it was the time of Ypres so maybe 1917, will let someone else have a go.

20th July 2006, 08:56 AM
OK so I was wrong, not 1917 and not at Ypres.

20th July 2006, 09:15 AM
First used 1916

The name was given to the machine to confuse the workers who were making them (as a security measure). They were led to believe they were water tanks to deliver to the troops in battle.

deployed by the Brits
However! Arguably the first tank deployed was either the armoured chariot, the castle storm engines or even the Trojan horse.

20th July 2006, 09:17 AM
Sep 15th at Deville Wood in the Somme Offensive.

20th July 2006, 09:17 AM
1. First used in Flanders?, thought it was 1917 but could be late 1916. Winston Churchill sort of helped with the design but definately fast tracked their production thru the bureacracy. First ones were hopeless, tiny engines, broke down, but scared the shzzt out of the Germans.

2. They were called tanks as when they were first shipped to the front, they were listed as 'Water Tanks' and camouflaged, to maintain the secrecy.

3. Poms were the first to use them.

20th July 2006, 10:04 AM
When were the first land tanks used in battle ?

Whya re the called tanks ?

Which side deployed them ?

1972, Exhibition Speedway (Cracker Carnival State of Origin Demolition Derby)

'Cause it rhymes with yanks, and most of them were big heavy thumpas made in good ole USof A.

Mostly the NSW side, the Qld side had a rather eclectic mix of light and nippy (there was even an A30 there as I recall) and solid British Stock (A Humber Super Snipe won on the day.)

Anyway what's with all the war answers, I don't get the joke? :confused: :confused: :confused:


20th July 2006, 11:39 AM
hay ZED tanks for all the questions, they have been great:D:D

20th July 2006, 12:48 PM
tank nufink of it gra.

the grog monster got it first... honourable mentions all round... frigging midge!