View Full Version : transfering lpg gas

18th July 2006, 05:48 PM
Anyone know the ins and outs of transfering LPG gas from one bottle to another?

I have a cylinder full of gas which is due for next years rent and I don't need it anymore. I have another bottle the same size to transfer the gas into and can get a connection to join the two bottles together.

My thoughts were

Am I only going to get half the gas transfered as I will reach equal pressure when the gas is moved from one to the other.

Or will the gas move across if I open the bleeder valve on the empty one.

I'm not real keen to give this company back a full bottle of gas especially after the lousy service I've had from them.

18th July 2006, 06:12 PM
Connect the two bottles and invert the full one and place it above the empty one.
Open the bleeder on the empty cylinder, then open the two valves. You will usually hear the gas running through the hose. Close the valves and the bleeder when the noise stops. (not the hiss from the bleeder) You won't get all of the gas as some will vapourise in the top tank but the bulk will be liquid and will end up in the bottom cylinder. Do it outside and keep your smoking mates away!

18th July 2006, 06:46 PM
That funny 'whoomph' noise means you got something wrong :eek:


18th July 2006, 08:39 PM
Thanks Graeme, I thought that would be the way to tackle it. I already have the full tank set up above the other. Will get the connecting pipe tomorrow and give it a go

19th July 2006, 10:10 AM
And on the subject of, why can I buy gas at the servo for the car at 50c a litre but for the gas bottle it's about $2 a litre??????
Speaking of the bottle rental, we had 2 bottles (the big torpedos) laying around here when we bought the place almost four years ago, the house had been a rental property owned by the shire, unknown to me the shire had been paying rent on these bottles for three years:) , now they realised that they no longer owned the property and tried to screw me for the past rental and forwrded an invoice to me.
I refused to pay saying that I had a gas contract with another company, council not happy and made appropriate unhappy noises.
Gas company sent me a 'stern' letter stating that they wanted their money and what did I intend doing about it.
My reply was brief and to the point, I have never entered into a contract with them and have no intention of paying and the council, in their infinite wisdom, had paid for a service that was not being used, not my problem.
Gas company telephoned me and said they wanted their bottles back immediately and where could they be picked up, I advised of a spot where they would be located to be picked up at their leisure and a pick up was agreed upon.
Nine months later, bottles are still there, called gas company, no rental, no urgency.
Really wonder what motivates these people.

19th July 2006, 10:00 PM
Iain - just send the Council & Gas Co. an invoice for storage of their gear - 4 years, payable weekly, account fees, interest, expenses of answering correspondance, copying etc. Should get rid of the old cylinders P.D.Q :D

20th July 2006, 07:18 PM
Well did the deed today, connected the two cylinders and transferred the gas no problem.

Rang the gas company to tell them to come and get the cylinder-

Phone engaged -

ring headquarters ( they promise to pass on a message) I need to speak to them - NO responce.

Looks like I might be joining Iain in getting rid of my cylinder also.

Don't you just love these new age companies?

All the latest computer gear, mobile phones,fax machines, answering services and you can't get any response.