View Full Version : Great Chimp-tation Question 2 parts 1 to 6
15th July 2006, 11:51 AM
Who wrote the "Origin of the species" ?
What year was it first published ?
What was the controversial issue about the central factor of the book ?
Why was it controversial & how did it contradict contemporary dogma ?
What ship did the author sail in and to where did he sail ?
What was it about the similar specied birds on different islands that demonstrated the central controversial factor above ?
15th July 2006, 12:20 PM
Geez Zed!
Arthur Beetson
Don't know the year, 1978?
Something to do with outlawing stripping of the ball I think because Alfie Langer could just walk up to the NSW forwards and take it off the big sooks, so they changed the rules.
Dogma? Dogman... hmmm I see a theme coming through with these questions.
As to the bit about similar specied birds, I think the picture says it all:,0.jpg
P (reporting live from the decks of the Beagle)
journeyman Mick
15th July 2006, 02:35 PM
Okay, without googling or looking up any reference books:
1)Charles Darwin
2)Don't know, late 1800s maybe the 1880s
3)The central theory expounded was evolution and the controversial issue was that man and apes were descended from a common ancestor
4)Was controversial because a lot of people (media?) ran with "we're descended from apes (eeew, Zed's my grandaddy!:eek: ) and contradicted organised religions dogma of creationism.
5)The HMS Beagle, sailed to (amongst other places, I don't have their itinerary:o ) Tierra Del Fuego, the Galapagos Islands and the big island off the east coast of Africa, not Mauritius, the other place where the Dodo used to live before it was wiped out by humans, dogs and the rats that ate its eggs.
6) Finches-differently adapted on in different habitats to feed on available resources (different shaped beaks)
And that's about all I can remeber form my high school excursion to the museum of natural history in Sydney in first form about 100 years ago. (Does quick bit of mental arithmetic, ahem 33 years ago)
Must say I think BM's answer is much more amusing.
15th July 2006, 03:04 PM
and the big island off the east coast of Africa,
madagaska ?
I think it was written 1859-1860 just before the start of the American Civil War:confused:
journeyman Mick
15th July 2006, 03:19 PM
madagaska ?
I think it was written 1859-1860 just before the start of the American Civil War:confused:
That's it, Madagascar.
15th July 2006, 03:48 PM
Well done Mick, with a bit of specificity from the Old Salt.
And yes, it was religion again leading the way, as usual, on the path of enlightenment, empirical research and progress.
This was smack in the middle of Victoria's reign, so one can imagine that a society that found piano legs offensively suggestive, headed by a woman who could not credit the fact that there were dykes out there, would find it a bit hard to call Zed 'Gramps'! Far happier with Adam and Eve, fig leaves and rib bones!
Funny time that, whilst old Viccy and Bertie were setting records for prudism their wastrel son was getting pizzed and rooting evry showgirl in sight!
15th July 2006, 07:06 PM
very good mick. 1859 was the first published date!!!
journeyman Mick
15th July 2006, 07:23 PM
Just read in the paper that they've found that one of the species of Darwinian Finches on the Galapagos isles has evolved a new beak shape over the last two decades. There's been a new species move onto the island, competing for the same food, so the finch evolved a different beak shape in order to take advantage of a different source of food.
15th July 2006, 11:43 PM
Just read in the paper that they've found that one of the species of Darwinian Finches on the Galapagos isles has evolved a new beak shape over the last two decades. There's been a new species move onto the island, competing for the same food, so the finch evolved a different beak shape in order to take advantage of a different source of food.
When you think about it thats scary
journeyman Mick
16th July 2006, 12:51 AM
What I want to know is how come I haven't been able to evolve an extra pair of arms to make work easier? Mind you the BO on a really hot sweaty day could get pretty bad:eek:
16th July 2006, 07:03 PM
Ask about the craft market at Moe, yes, it is related;)
16th July 2006, 10:41 PM
... Far happier with Adam and Eve, fig leaves and rib bones!
next question: How did Adam & Eve keep their fig leaves on before the invention of bluetac?:confused:
journeyman Mick
16th July 2006, 10:59 PM
next question: How did Adam & Eve keep their fig leaves on before the invention of bluetac?:confused:
Staples? :eek:
17th July 2006, 08:48 AM
next question: How did Adam & Eve keep their fig leaves on before the invention of bluetac?:confused:
Is that when Adam invented white glue?