View Full Version : mobile phone problem
13th July 2006, 10:33 PM
My wife got a message on her CDMA mobile this afternoon, it was a picture/video thing with an obscene message with it. After getting it her phone went dead and didn't work till she came home and rang it from the landline. She tried to ring the number that sent it but no answer, she wasn't very happy to say the least.
Does anyone know or have heard of this happening,? I vaguely recall that the newer phones are capable of being sent virus' now, could it have been that? Her number isn't known to many so its puzzling...and annoying! :mad:
13th July 2006, 11:05 PM
have you reported it or anything. on a text you should be able to reply,
14th July 2006, 02:45 PM
Don't know the details, but I believe there is a scam around where you can cop a hefty phone bill if you reply to the number.
14th July 2006, 03:29 PM
log the incident with your carrier. if you have problems contact the telco ombudsman...
there were some scams way back on the 2G network but no real viruses... tey all relied on the ignorance of the spammee... not sure about viruses on the CDMA or 3G networks but the 3G network is still very new technology so who knows ??? some of the spammers are pretty smart... I wouldnt think that CDMA would be that big a drawcard for spammers - sorta like writing viruses for beta:)
I got an automated phone/fax call/dialer today from some pack of turds (I wasnt home) and when I didnt answer the fax picked up and we were sent a fax of some holiday destination and accompanying free load of crap if we just did such and such etc.... ignore them all i reckon. at least that incident cost them money not me!:D
remember the ombudsman is your friend - just make sure you log all incidents and keep records of all transactions...