View Full Version : Patching gum features on jarrah deck

30th June 2006, 03:44 PM
Hi All,
I am building a deck with jarrah decking boards however there are some reasonable gum veins, knots etc that will need some sort of filler in them.

What options are there for filling/patching them? They add a nice feature to the deck so was wondering about an epoxy filler but not sure if it will look strange with an oil finish?

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Larry McCully
30th June 2006, 06:37 PM
Decks recieve extreem conditioning. external elliments buffer decks, rain to extreem heat to extreem colds. their is a lot of movement in the board. When we do decks we normally dont put any filler in any holes or vien lines, because the board shrinks and expands rapidly during the day , almost anything you put in them will sooner or later break free of its position and fall out. it can take between 6 to 12 months to pop out if it is exposed to external ellements. But to answer your question the best compond to use is one that is elastomeric, one that will contract and expand with the timber as it moves. Some thing like sika pro 2hp is suitable, it will last heaps longer than any other fill

30th June 2006, 09:36 PM
Thanks for the reply Larry, perhaps I will just give it a good sand to take off any rough edges, not sure how the sap streaks willl age but I can always attempt to patch things later.
