View Full Version : Where does one get those telegrah poles?
Wild Dingo
26th June 2006, 01:39 PM
Im after a few of the wooden telegraph poles and wouldnt mind some help with sourcing them
Any ideas? Cheers
26th June 2006, 01:41 PM
The companies that do the green, treated pine have the poles. I think Koppers is the main one.
Whatchya gonna do wif it?
26th June 2006, 02:23 PM
Do you want good poles - new or similar
or old poles - fire wood?
Old one coming from your local electrical authority would probably be treated timber, either green CCA which is quite toxic when burnt or real old poles which have been treated with creosote at the base (black stuff) which is toxic and carcinogenic.
26th June 2006, 02:27 PM
Ask - he has a lathe big enough to throw one on (from memory!)
Wild Dingo
26th June 2006, 03:44 PM
Im not planning on working it well other than drilling bolting and cutting some notches and such... I intend to build a nice wee 100ft x 40ft pole shed (plans in hand) so I will require a few... We are presently looking at taking the humpyhoochy down and making two separate ones out of it one for me and my boat stuff and one for her bloody highness's garden things so Im considering building a pole shed
and if that works out as I expect it will the next step is a pole house to replace this one
Cheers! :cool:
Wood Butcher
26th June 2006, 03:56 PM
Best bet Shane would to try calling the power mob over there and ask where they get their poles from?
Also send a PM to Jill (, she built a pole style home over your end, so she might have some ideas too.
26th June 2006, 05:59 PM
Do not recommend using old timber poles unless you have a big bank balance for replacement of chainsaw chains and auger bits. We have the hardest wooden poles in the world (fact). You would also have to remove any of the creosote treated section before use.
In Sydney for new poles, the electricity distributor that I work for uses Koppers Timber out of Beresfield in Newcastle which originally comes out of the Grafton area. We specially select our poles then have them treated with CCA.
All I could suggest is talking with Koppers as you would probably require a large number and for them to be relatively consistant in size and shape.
26th June 2006, 06:49 PM
Shane you will find them growing in just about every street, just grab the trusty chainsaw and go for your life.:rolleyes:
Skew ChiDAMN!!
26th June 2006, 06:57 PM
It probably wouldn't hurt to PM and ask if he has any ideas on the subject...