View Full Version : U Beaut for jarrah/redwood
23rd June 2006, 01:58 PM
Am looking for inspiration re polish and stain for a bar constructed of jarrah/redwood. Cant tell the difference.The grain is extremely dense.All ideas would be appreciated.Regards.........AL
23rd June 2006, 02:07 PM
I made some stuff from some recycled River Red Gum. If this is the same as Redwood, then Organoil looks great and really brings out the grain. Expect any oil would do much the same. Couldn't use it for the bar top or around sink and beer taps tho. Leave this bit to the experts. Hard shellac?
23rd June 2006, 02:14 PM
Hard shellac is pretty durable once it goes off, about 3 weeks depending upon temp.
I had some left over and used it on our timber floor which is prone to a lot of abuse from daughters coming in out of the paddocks with muddy boots and grinding it in, has stood up well so far (6 months +).
It doesn't alter the colour of the piece being finished either and can be further finished with trad wax.
I also use EEE paste before the wax on furniture pieces for a really deep shine.
My only grizzle with organoil is the time factor, hard shellac and the rest I have desribed takes a fraction of the time.
23rd June 2006, 02:25 PM
Iain, you're smack on the money with the oils being slow. Compared to my usual regime of Shellac and UB wax it's quite slow and frustrating.
23rd June 2006, 02:36 PM
Thanks for the info Iain and Bodgey,i will try a small piece and wait fot the WWW Show in Adelaide.........AL
Tex B
23rd June 2006, 07:31 PM
I have used the sponsor's hard shellac and traditional wax on jarrah and have been very pleased with the results. Just do what Neil says in the Polishers Handbook, and it will come up a treat.
23rd June 2006, 09:19 PM
Thanks for the info Tex.Where did you get the polishers handbook? Regards...AL
23rd June 2006, 10:12 PM
Scroll thee down and look for 'YOU BOOT' or go to the Adelaide WWW