View Full Version : Messmate Kitchen Bench Top Finishes.

Jason Steele
18th June 2006, 10:14 AM

I milled some Messmate from a tree on my property which I have machined into benchtops for my new kitchen.
I am thinking of using Burnishing oil such as organoil for the finish.
Question, has anyone know the durability of this finish.
Addtionally some of the some of the deeper holes have been filled with a clear casting resin, how dose the oils react to these areas.

Any Tips would be helpful


19th June 2006, 08:10 PM
Hi Jason,

I've recently (approx 1 month ago) finished a mobile kitchen workbench with an African Mahogany topfinished with Organoil Hard Burnishing Oil. It's been extensively used since then and has had food, hot liquid, hot cups and plates etc all over it. It still looks perfect. Would recommend this oil for kitchen use. It gives a very nice patina when used as directed and finished with 2000 grit using an orbital sander.



Jason Steele
20th June 2006, 09:49 AM
Have you any idea how to burnish the edge, it has a profile cut into it?
