View Full Version : Decking Plan

18th June 2006, 01:15 AM
Hi Everyone,
First of all thank you for all of the help and advice in planning my first deck. I have finally drawn up my plans and ready to get some quotes for materials.
Hoping to start on the weekend.
I was just wanting some feedback on my plans to see if it all will work.

I have attached a plan and a pic of the posts that I'm going to weld up.
Please let me know what you think and if I have got it even close to right.

Will be using 100 x 75 hardwood F8 for bearers and 100 x 50 F8 for joists.

Cheers in advance


18th June 2006, 05:08 PM
Save yourself the extra time and cost of bolting outriggers on the end and use full length joists, 6.6m will do it.

Any reason in particular you're using double joists bolted together on both sides? Structurally it's not required.

18th June 2006, 09:32 PM
Hi wayne,
I originally had it as one length but found that I could only get my timber in 6m lengths. The deck total width is 6900mm as well, so didnt like my chances of getting timber in this lenght. Will bolting work though?

I'm using the double joists so when I put the board across the ends of the Bearers, they will be flush (will be using different timber that will suit merbea decking) - is there a better way? as it does seem wasteful?

Also will these post be ok - or will it just be chaeper to buy steel stirups?
Cheers mate

19th June 2006, 05:01 PM
You can definitely get 6.9m lengths and even longer so if your supplier can't do it grab the yellow pages and try your local timber yards. Is vastly simpler using one length.

Is the pic on the left what you planned on doing, is nothing wrong with that but on a deck most just run the decking boards down the face of the joists. Just boils down to personal choice and cost in the end.

Yeah the steel posts are fine, as to the cost of having those made up versus timber posts with stirrups you'll have to price that yourself. I'm a fan of timber for obvious reasons :)

19th June 2006, 07:35 PM
Cheers Wayne,

I reackon you have just saved me quite a few dollars and a lot of time. I knew there had to be an easier and cheaper way of going about it -that will look heaps better.

So all spacings and the 500mm overhand are all ok?

As far as merbau goes, is it best to just use something like tung oil on it to bring the color out? (Deck is fully covered by a 7mx16.5m pergola and in fairy dry area - mildura)

19th June 2006, 08:17 PM
Pope don't paint, you'll need others to advise on deck finishes :)

F8 bearers can span max 1500mm
F8 joists can span max 2200mm with a max 650mm overhang

On that basis you can reduce your bearer rows by one, two in the centre as against the three you've draw. That'll give you approx 1800 span on the joists.