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Wild Dingo
9th August 2007, 02:18 AM
ME??? Im still me ol son... still the same mad buggar Ive always been :2tsup:

I just wanted something the damn galahs an wombats that come visiting the shed CAN and WILL read so they dont transgress the flamin code!! :~

A bloody great tomb of words especially legaleeze type words will throw them totally for a loop IF they even tried to decypher the thing!! I mean its that long and wordy all techno an contractual that an ant pharting will distract them!! :o

Such a thing as you SHOULD be aware if you were in fact our ol mate Driver which I for one do not believe is so... and will await stuctural proof of your reality by the way... but you SHOULD be aware that NO BLOKE would even glance sideways at such a document upon entering another blokes shed!! (note the REAL Driver would know this fact) AND no bloke in his right mind expect another bloke who upon visiting said blokes shed would even contemplate asking demanding or beggin said visiting mate by suggesting or demanding them to do so... its just not blokelike! :no:

So in the interests of the furthance of good blokeiness an good shed etiquite I suggest that a new REVISED and DOWNSIZED version of the most salient points of the code be created so that the dumb easily distracted buggars have no bloody excuse not to read it! :doh: And hence why I also... IF you had read my posts todate... recommend it be printed on A3 size parchment both laminated and framed and hung in such a place in a blokes shed as to be at eyesocket level (preferably over the BEER fridge or opposite the workbench at eyesocket level this so that NO MATTER WHAT they would HAVE to read it... and being short and to the point its most salient and IMPORTANT points would stick in their minds BEFORE the BEER takes affect!

As you would be aware of my way of doin things IF you were indeed Driver that ol mate of ours whom we smile upon from time to time would KNOW... I am but offering a suggestion in the best of bloke ways that a change or an alternative be created... I have no need for demand or beseachin I simply suggest in my own particular nice, gentle, succinct and slight way is all :2tsup:

But it is me behind these words... I on the other hand doubt it is actually Driver behind your own... I in fact believe that your foily is disfunctional and needs be returned to Neil for a replacement for you are showing that you in fact have been infiltrated by either "chaps" or the dreaded "fellows"... this if proven true will have serious repercussions on our said ol mate Driver when the foily has been replaced for he is going to have some serious explaining to do to the brotherhood of blokes!! :q

9th August 2007, 03:43 AM
When the code was being first put together by brother Driver all of the member of this forum being a members of the the best forum on woodworking were asked for their input, this was a long process giving all a chance to add to the collective on what is the code that all sheds should operate under
From the start drother Driver only put all our thoughts together and these grew into the CODE the one document that all woodworkers could live and work by.
BUT NOW in come the OTHERS , those who did not put their responses in when the CODE was being formulated no brothers/sisters those that now try to undermine this great work put together by the ( Now Famous )Brother Driver from the input of the true believers of the CODE to try and soften the edges or elaborate to such a degree that it becomes un usable
Brothers and Sisters unite now the true CODE is the only code rejoice now in its word listen to its message and believe for the truth and the way lies within the code
Oh and no curtains.:q

Black Ned
9th August 2007, 10:36 AM
Dingo - we have a problem.
What is the standard "eyesocket level" for this hanging?
As you would be know, just as there are Dachsunds and Great Danes, there are big blokes and short blokes and blokeses.
We may have to hang a number of signs to cater for the unknown adventurer who may inadvertantly wander in.

Mr Ashore - Are we talking about a Code of Practice or a Bible?
The Bible we are told to believe here-say and written stories of long past accounts. Do not question the word.
The Code of Practice is an ongoing agreed conformity of Rules of Conduct whilst in heaven on earth - THE SHED.

Wild Dingo
9th August 2007, 08:33 PM
Brother Ashore tis not in dispute that the fine brothers and sisters became involved and this I know for I was one of them... I have been interested and contributing to the code since its inseption... indeed Im even named on the present codes list of contributors! :o ... which in and of itself seriously and totally shocked me to my core bein the shy retiring quiet sort of bloke that I am... and thus I do verrily understand and appreciate the efforts gone to by brother Driver and the brotherhood to get the said code of practice to its present level of brilliance

Tis just that some of our brothers and sisters in sheds are kinda short on reading skills when it comes to ginormous books of rules an have no way of fathoming contractual concepts such as our fine brother Driver has laid down in the present code... and yay even if they were capable of understanding the document as it stands they wouldst by their very nature of bein blokes and interested in sheds and the goings on in said sheds would find far to many things to distract them that reading such a fine document would not occur... this then seems a waste of the good brother Driver and the fellowship of brothers and sisters of the hood of the shed time efforts and extrapolation upon all things related to said code of practice

I as a humble brother in shed and owner of an officially sanctioned and signed "good shed" do simply and humbly ask that the code as its presently writen be condenced so that it can cater for all understanding levels within the brother - sisterhood of shed

As to the question of eyesocket level... this would be determined by the owner of said shed in which it wouldst hang... for instance said brother Christopha for example wouldst hang said code at eyesocket level appropriate to him and thus from the rafters he being a tool :o ...eerrr... ummm... tall sorta bloke :B ...now on the other hand my own code wouldst hang at his knee level for me being a short wheeled based model of blokehood and thus we can see that each shed bloke wouldst hang at a suitable level for themselves and their bloke mates... Actually it would be rather moot once the said code were printed on the A3 sized parchment for no matter the height one wouldst hang it anyone entering said blokes shed wouldst see the parchment and therefore the code in all its glory... for most wouldst with a document of that size hang it at a level that wouldst be at eyesocket level to them which of course wouldst mean that it wouldst at some point be within the parameters of the middle of the wall of said shed thus anyone entering said shed wouldst or rather couldst not miss said code in all its glory!! This dear bretherin wouldst ONLY be effective if the said code could be SEEN AND READ in its simplest form

Butst dear fellow brothers and sisters of the hood of the shed tis not for mineownself to dictact nor demand such a thing be done but rather to suggest and give reasons for my suggestions... which I now believe has been done.

Tis up to brother Driver to decide since he was the stu... eer... dum... ummm brillaint? anyway the burke who took the time to write up all the code in all its glory so I leave it to him if he wouldst create a splinter code to enable the dum... stu... moro... mmm... unable to read contractual code lingo brother blokes to be conversant with at least the basics of the code of practice of the shed... and thus be not ignorant of the basic of rules regarding a blokes shed

nb... blokes in this context is inclusive of those blokes without the blokey bits that wouldst make them actual blokes but instead due to their being without this dangly blokey bits can only remain "honorary blokes" thus they are likened to those other "honorary blokes" from far flung countries where blokes do not exist and are instead considered "pals" and such... tis only upon their being accepted by the members of the brotherhood of the shed from the great land down under that they become if acceptable "honorary blokes" and thus we can see that both forms of honorary blokes are without blokey bits but are upon acceptance by Aussie blokes as "honorary blokes" and no discussion will be entered into!... we the brotherhood of blokes have spoken! be content to be a "honorary bloke" for without the blokey bits and without the bloke accent you can only be a "honorary bloke"... this is not to be sneezed at nor denigrated nor even considered an insult for it is the highest praise indeed and not given lightly!

You may now get of your knees thank you :U

9th August 2007, 11:09 PM
First of all, it's clear from the length, prose style and tenor of the foregoing post that Shane the Wild Westralian Dingo has regained control of his computer from the imposter. This is a consummation devoutly to have been wished and we are all delighted that he's back. Onya Shane!

Now then ....

Tis up to brother Driver to decide since he was the stu... eer... dum... ummm brillaint? anyway the burke who took the time to write up all the code in all its glory so I leave it to him if he wouldst create a splinter code

The Code is, of course, not my work but the work of a good many of this esteemed BB's members (including, as he rightly says, the aforementioned Wild Westralian Dingo). My role was merely to edit their efforts. However, I believe that Shane has a point. A short statement of some sort,displayed prominently in the shed is a good idea. How about this:

Para 5.7 of The Code deals with warning signs. I reckon that an addition to the recommended warning sign about machinery and shoulder-tapping should read:

"Notice: Anyone entering this shed is subject to The Code of Practice."

Blokes will understand this instinctively and will behave in an appropriate manner. Non-blokes (a category that includes chaps, SWMBOS and the rest of humanity) will be puzzled by the reference and will ask "What Code of Practice?" This will immediately identify them as non-blokes and thus allow the shed bloke to be on his guard and to take appropriate shed-defending action. What this action might be is up to the said bloke, of course, and will be determined by the exigencies of the specific situation.

be content to be a "honorary bloke" for without the blokey bits and without the bloke accent you can only be a "honorary bloke"... this is not to be sneezed at nor denigrated nor even considered an insult for it is the highest praise indeed and not given lightly!

As to the status of "honorary bloke" - Shane has hit the nail unerringly upon the scone - as I am sure that honorary blokes like Wendy and Bob Childress will appreciate.


(An update to The Code, to include the issue re warning signs, is in preparation and will be available shortly).

9th August 2007, 11:14 PM
However, I believe that Shane has a point. A short statement of some sort,displayed prominently in the shed is a good idea. How about this:

Para 5.7 of The Code deals with warning signs. I reckon that an addition to the recommended warning sign about machinery and shoulder-tapping should read:

"Notice: Anyone entering this shed is subject to The Code of Practice."
A point of logic Mr Driver sir.

The warning sign would need to be outside, not inside. Or the idea is illogical.

9th August 2007, 11:22 PM
A point of logic Mr Driver sir.

The warning sign would need to be outside, not inside. Or the idea is illogical.

Groggy, You're right, of course. The outside is undoubtedly both the logical and the sensible place for the notice. (Smartarse!) :D

Honorary Bloke
9th August 2007, 11:53 PM
As to the status of "honorary bloke" - Shane has hit the nail unerringly upon the scone - as I am sure that honorary blokes like Wendy and Bob Childress will appreciate.

Well, I for one consider it a singular honour. But you wankers had better stop having a go at my window coverings (aka "curtains") or something terrible will happen to your blokely bits. You have been warned!

Kindest regards,



Cliff Rogers
10th August 2007, 12:02 AM
Ooooooooo Bob is a Ventriloquist...... I'm impressed. :) :) :)

10th August 2007, 09:19 AM
Me too :oo: :D


Honorary Bloke
10th August 2007, 09:35 AM
Ooooooooo Bob is a Ventriloquist...... I'm impressed. :) :) :)

Me too :oo: :D


Did anyone see my lips move? :D :D

10th August 2007, 11:38 AM
As advertised, here is the latest update to The Code.

It includes:
- on page 5, a new para: 5.7.4 'Further Note', under Warning Signs,

- on page 7, another new para: 5.13 'Window coverings'

- on page 31, under Acknowledgements, the addition of Groggy's name as a member of the Drafting Committee, for his useful (and logical :wink: ) contribution to the discussion on placement of the afore-mentioned signage. Onya Groggy!

As usual, the additional and/or amended text has been highlighted for the benefit of blokes who don't want to plough through pages of The Code they may (or may not :rolleyes: ) already have read.


10th August 2007, 06:22 PM
Driver, someone mailed The Code to me at work the other week, it is gathering a life of its own!

10th August 2007, 07:48 PM
Driver, someone mailed The Code to me at work the other week, it is gathering a life of its own!

Amazing! That's the first time I've heard of an email circulating where I know how it originated. :)

Skew ChiDAMN!!
11th August 2007, 05:57 AM
I wonder how long before we see modified versions doing the rounds?

11th August 2007, 11:16 AM
I wonder how long before we see modified versions doing the rounds?

Not too long, I imagine. :~ But we'll know, won't we? There is only one Code of Practice! :;

11th August 2007, 11:19 AM
Not too long, I imagine. :~ But we'll know, won't we? There is only one Code of Practice! :;Provided you keep control of the text version and only release PDF you should limit the wannabees a bit.

Cliff Rogers
11th August 2007, 12:02 PM
Provided you keep control of the text version and only release PDF you should limit the wannabees a bit.
You can download a PDF ripper that will turn it back into flat text in 2 seconds.
If you relly wanted to protect it from editing, you print it out & then scan it back as a picture but there are some bits of OCR software that are getting better now too.

11th August 2007, 12:11 PM
To be honest, it doesn't bother me if someone wants to edit and amend the emailed version.

You can't prevent it from happening and, anyway, who's to say that the amendments might not be improvements?

All contributions gratefully received, I reckon.

Col the Unconcerned :wink: :D

Cliff Rogers
11th August 2007, 01:02 PM

11th August 2007, 02:14 PM
Hi Driver & forum readers
I've read through most of the list...first rule...little old fashioned now... were dealing with new generation of "shed"...dwellers....
& for one I am going to embrase the new breed...

1. let the other partner venture into your domain... they can bring coffee, sandwiches, even bring the phone message down that your waiting on.... let the grandkids visit & see what its like, help encourages & nurture at future talent...

2. any partner seeing the work you do will be instantly appreciative to the fact that your building furniture (my forte)for your home.....you get more bee's to the hive with sweet honey than vinigar....

3. offer to take your partner to the woodshow or does she want a day out with the girls instead.... you watch... the reactions then when "men" become not only considerate but productive towards a common goals...enjoyment of spending money on your tools will become less inhibitored

4. Main reason... for me.... thats where the happiest days of my life with my partner were ....in our shed.........now he's gone all I want to do is spend time in there.....
For some woman when they lose their partner going back into the mans shed is traumatic.... so men... share your shed.... or at least make the partner welcome....

Sorry Driver that's only on rule number 1......:rolleyes:
Perhaps when men are young they should think of finding a partner that enhances all these traits...one who encourages shed time..... may encourage lasting happy marriages.... think its our job in life to pass on some ground rules that are going to ultimately strengthen shed usage.....

sincerely Kerry...
alias KEKEMO

now click on Pictures on sidebar menu.....:2tsup:

Cliff Rogers
11th August 2007, 02:22 PM
Hi Cliff & forum readers

:? What did I do, what did I do?????? :-

3. offer to take your partner to the woodshow or does she want a day out with the girls instead.... ...

I know exactly where she would rather be... they are all inside at present having a nice old girly gossip. :D

Sorry Cliff that's only on rule number 1......

:? What did I do, what did I do?????? :-

Cliff Rogers
12th August 2007, 01:50 AM
As advertised, here is the latest update to The Code......
Col, this is going to sound picky but, I'm going to point it out anyway. ('cos my computer told me too. )

The attached zip is called version A5_6 but it contains version A5_10.

Now the reason I found this is that I downloaded it to check on what Kerry was on about &, I may be mistaken but, I thought that she was blaming me for the fact that she is, well... a she?

I have since noted that she has edited her post & changed the blame from me to you....Don't you love it when that happens. :D

Kerry, I am not sure why you think poor silly old Col is to blame but I would like point out that it was actually drafted by a committee & I direct your attention to Appendix E of 'The Code'.
You will see that at least one of the drafting committee does not have bal... full blokely attributes (what does she scratch while she is thinking :? ) & at least one of the drafting committee is an honorary bloke.
This would (should) indicate that you could also apply to join the drafting committee but I would like you to first read Appendices A, B, & C.
Now if you can study up & score better than 24 in the test in Appendix B & promise that you won't ever mention the need for curtains. :D

You also have to realise that, although you & your dearly departed shared a shed & had good times together in there, you may have been exceptional to the norm. :think:
With all due respects to you & your dearly departed, there is a very high percentage of 'blokes' who use/need the shed as therapy AWAY from their partner(s).

This is going to be a hoot to read tomorrow, here I am about 9 reds later, at 25 past midnight trying to get into philosophical D&M on marriage guidance & I'm addressing it to a female member who has not long lost her life partner... I am on a hiding to nothing for sure. :doh:

Kerry, lets try a different angle.... do you like shoes?
Do you like shoe shopping?
Do you like &/or wear dresses?
Do you like dress shopping?
Do you like high tea & gossip & & & (digging a hole here :- )

Do you think that blokes (Appendices A, B, & C type blokes) need to like & want & share Sheila stuff? :?

I know you didn't say that they did but, I'm trying to make a point that some Sheilas don't like Bloke stuff & neither should have to endure or ENCROACH on the other's hobbies & passions if they don't share them. :no:

Bugger it, I'm starting to waffle. :rolleyes:

This Code started out for Blokes Sheds as a Bloke therapy... there was a Sheila's Shed Code too for a while but it said something along the lines of section 4.2 of this Code.

Maybe my point is that you aren't classed as 'The Norm' :)

12th August 2007, 10:42 AM
Col, this is going to sound picky but, I'm going to point it out anyway. ('cos my computer told me too. )

The attached zip is called version A5_6 but it contains version A5_10.

Cliff, you're right of course and therefore deserve to be appropriately acknowledged, publicly. (Smartarse :p ).

This is going to be a hoot to read tomorrow, here I am about 9 reds later, at 25 past midnight trying to get into philosophical D&M on marriage guidance & I'm addressing it to a female member who has not long lost her life partner... I am on a hiding to nothing for sure. :doh:

Yerrsss :no: :cool:

Bugger it, I'm starting to waffle. :rolleyes:

Yerrss :cool:

This Code started out for Blokes Sheds as a Bloke therapy...

Now you're back on track, mate. Couldn't have said it better meself. :2tsup:

Col the Cautiously Optimistic. :roll:

12th August 2007, 01:46 PM
Col, this is going to sound picky but, I'm going to point it out anyway. ('cos my computer told me too. )

The attached zip is called version A5_6 but it contains version A5_10.

Cliff, you're right of course and therefore deserve to be appropriately acknowledged, publicly. (Smartarse :p ).


I'm wrong, you're not, after all, a smartarse :roll: . This is because you're wrong, too. :p Having had another look (because I couldn't recall writing 10 versions of the A5-sized Code) at the zip file - which is correctly entitled version A5_6 :p - I now see that it contains a file entitled 'The Code of Practice_A5_10Aug07'.

In other words, not version 10 but rather the version that was amended on the 10th of August.:cool:

Col the Classifier

Cliff Rogers
12th August 2007, 02:22 PM
Right.... let us get picky then.... :cool:

In my folder where I stick this stuff, I had a Code of Practice_A5_6.zip & a Code of Practice_A5_7.zip & a Code of Practice_7.zip

When I went to save the latest Code of Practice_A5_6.zip, the computer complained & I had to tell it to overwrite the older one.

The Code of Practice_7.zip has The Code of Practice_23Jul06.doc in it & was created on the 23-07-06 & Code of Practice_A5_7.zip has The Code of Practice_A5_21Jun06.doc in it & it was created on 11-02-07 & & &....

Are you still listening to me or am I wasting my breath here? :D

12th August 2007, 02:35 PM
Possable ammendment Col
" The code shall be that copy last posted by Brother Driver ( or his successor ) in the U-Beaut Woodwork Forum, all other copies to be destroyed and other posted copies of earlier versions of the Code ignored so that the code remains universal and a bloke entering any Shed that is operating under the Code ( see 5.7.4 displaying warning signes ) shall be aware of all rules and regulations pertaining therein "

Then is simple for all :doh:

12th August 2007, 06:00 PM
Er.... fellas

I reckon the last four posts come very close to Code violations. :oo: I'm not even sure which bit of The Code we might be close to violating but arguing about bloody filenames and versions doesn't seem like blokely behaviour to me.

Back to the shed, gents. Whaddaya reckon?

12th August 2007, 08:56 PM
I reckon any bloke what needs to argue little teeny clause variations in the code needs a new project.

Cliff Rogers
12th August 2007, 10:26 PM
...Back to the shed, gents. Whaddaya reckon?
Cool, I deleted the lot, who's shout is it? :p

12th August 2007, 10:31 PM
Mine if you call in quick , theres a glass of Mudgee 04 hill of gold Shiraz left :D

Honorary Bloke
12th August 2007, 10:31 PM
Are you still listening to me or am I wasting my breath here? :D

Hmmm. This has so many possibilities! :rolleyes: :D

Cliff Rogers
12th August 2007, 10:42 PM
Mine if you call in quick , theres a glass of Mudgee 04 hill of gold Shiraz left :D
This Computer map reckons it will take 25 hours & 29 minutes so don't drink too fast.

Are you still listening to me or am I wasting my breath here? :D

Hmmm. This has so many possibilities! :rolleyes: :D
You always listen to me Bob. :D

13th August 2007, 09:51 AM
Cool, I deleted the lot, who's shout is it? :p

Mine if you call in quick , theres a glass of Mudgee 04 hill of gold Shiraz left :D

This Computer map reckons it will take 25 hours & 29 minutes so don't drink too fast.

...If you can get to my place before about 7.30 pm WA time this evening, there might be a drop or two left of the bottle of Avon Brae '99 shiraz I opened last night. Bewdiful!!:2tsup:

Cliff Rogers
13th August 2007, 09:58 AM
...If you can get to my place before about 7.30 pm WA time this evening, there might be a drop or two left of the bottle of Avon Brae '99 shiraz I opened last night. Bewdiful!!:2tsup:
Just checked the flights, can't do it, it would cost me $839 to arrive in Perth 15 minutes too late.
If I drive without a stop, it is 5,604.15 km 60 hours 39 mins :oo:

20th September 2007, 01:51 PM
Possable ammendment Col
" The code shall be that copy last posted by Brother Driver ( or his successor ) in the U-Beaut Woodwork Forum, all other copies to be destroyed and other posted copies of earlier versions of the Code ignored so that the code remains universal and a bloke entering any Shed that is operating under the Code ( see 5.7.4 displaying warning signes ) shall be aware of all rules and regulations pertaining therein "

Then is simple for all :doh:

Hi All,
I have seen references to the Code in a number of posts and up until stumbling upon this thread thought that the members (brothers) where simply applying commonly held attitudes by blokes to a particular circumstance or situation.
Blissfully ignorant I was to the existence of a document which provides definition and guidance in all things Blokely.
So now while I don't give a toss about my Blokeliness as I have been refered to as a Bloke, good Bloke and even a top Bloke I am troubled by aspects of the existence of said document and wish to defer to the Drafting Committee as to how my concerns might be addressed.
1. If a Bloke (not me of course) was to committ a transgression as prescribed by the Code what then will be the result. Will there be some punitive action and how or when would it be applied.
2. Does the committee envisage a response according to the degree of transgression, if so will an attempt be made to prescribe both the hierachy of fopah and the resultant penance.
3. As a result of a Bloke being found guily of a serious breach of the Code and any applicable punishment be recommended should the Code encorporate an appeals process.

Thankyou in advance for your consideration and my congratulations go to the drafting committee on a fine body of work thus far, although youse Blokes should spend more time in the shed utilsing clause 5.17 after committing 7.3 and evoking or perhaps simply 8.1. Hmmm......as should I.

Regards Mike

20th September 2007, 02:25 PM
Hi All,

1. If a Bloke (not me of course) was to committ a transgression as prescribed by the Code what then will be the result. Will there be some punitive action and how or when would it be applied.
2. Does the committee envisage a response according to the degree of transgression, if so will an attempt be made to prescribe both the hierachy of fopah and the resultant penance.
3. As a result of a Bloke being found guily of a serious breach of the Code and any applicable punishment be recommended should the Code encorporate an appeals process.

1. Depends on what said bloke does and who finds out (nudge, nudge, wink, wink).
2. Nah.
3. Nah. Appeals process? Sounds a bit too chap-like to me.

Thankyou in advance for your consideration and my congratulations go to the drafting committee on a fine body of work thus far, although youse Blokes should spend more time in the shed utilsing clause 5.17 after committing 7.3 and evoking or perhaps simply 8.1. Hmmm......as should I.

True. But it bothers me that you seem so familiar with the relevant paras and sub-paras. You haven't read all of it have you? :oo:

Wild Dingo
20th September 2007, 04:38 PM
But it bothers me that you seem so familiar with the relevant paras and sub-paras. You haven't read all of it have you? :oo:

That in and of itself should surely be a transgression brother Driver? As one who reckons the damned things way overly long and full of that foreign lingo called legaleze and so havent actually done the chappy thing and read it from woe to go Id have to concur with brother Wild Dingo and say he has transgressed the code on at least several violations

Now as to said transgressions and possible punishments... I do feel you may need to include sentancing laws and such?


20th September 2007, 04:50 PM
That is an absolute hoot!!

20th September 2007, 05:20 PM
That in and of itself
Er, wha?

As one who reckons the damned things way overly long and full of that foreign lingo called legaleze
Expressions like ; 'In and of itself', for example?

Id have to concur with brother Wild Dingo
I'm delighted to learn that you agree with yourself, Ding.

Now as to said transgressions and possible punishments... I do feel you may need to include sentancing laws and such?
At the risk of repeating meself: Nah. Definitely sounds way too chap-like.


Gotta agree with silent - that, mate, is an absolute bloody ripper!

In all seriousness (:D), it's The Code. It's intended to provide guidance for blokes. It certainly isn't intended to provide some sort of quasi-legal, half-@rsed set of statutes that can be used by nit-picking wankers to inflict punishment on blokes who look like they may have forgotten to behave in an entirely bloke-like manner.

The minute it starts to be used by the nit-pickers to beat up blokes, that's when this particular bloke calls time and walks away.

Skew ChiDAMN!!
20th September 2007, 05:34 PM
I look at it this way: it's my shed and I'll do what I bloody want in it. I see no problems whatsoever with my breaking the code in my shed.

However, being caught at is a punishable offence and, depending on the severity of the infringement and mood of the forum in general, may result in anything from general taunts and derision by your peers to being denigrated to mere "chap" status.

In other words, do what you want but make sure there aren't any witnesses! :p (Especially if they're carrying cameras. Do you really want pix of your frilly curtains being passed around under the counter? :D)

Wild Dingo
20th September 2007, 09:21 PM
:innocent: Waddidido?? :kickcan:

I agree its my shed and if I wanna do this :flasher: in there or this :club: or this :badair: or heck even if I wanna do this :bath2: or this even :tequila: or pretend to be this :viking: ooops thats right I already do that! anyways whatever I flamin well choose to do in my shed then by gawd an all thats holey I will... cause :rule: my shed

Sorta like that eh Skewy :pat:

Cliff Rogers
20th September 2007, 09:31 PM
Give me a shot at it...

If ya FAQ up, (committ a transgression) ya risk being branded as a 'chap' or a 'dick head' or a 'raving poof' simple.


Wild Dingo
20th September 2007, 10:11 PM
Give me a shot at it...

If ya FAQ up, (committ a transgression) ya risk being branded as a 'chap' or a 'dick head' or a 'raving poof' simple.


aaahhh uuummm sorta like your chintz curtains eh Cliffy :doh: :U :q

Wild Dingo
20th September 2007, 10:24 PM

The Code of Practice

Condenced version

For my shed and all within it to be taken particular notice of by:
and anyone or thing that enters said shed

1) It is MY SHED

Do NOT argue with this FACT!!

2) Dont like it... LEAVE (use of other expleatives acceptable as you determine appropriate)

Do NOT argue with this FACT!! Just walk away

3) You come into MY SHED you do as I say not as you want no arguments no discussion


4) If you want to stay DONT STAND STILL doing nothing!

Sanding is always good! And YOU get the BEER!!


I think I can get that nice an clear onto an A3 sheet :2tsup:

20th September 2007, 10:37 PM
I look at it this way: it's my shed and I'll do what I bloody want in it. I see no problems whatsoever with my breaking the code in my shed.

However, being caught at is a punishable offence and, depending on the severity of the infringement and mood of the forum in general, may result in anything from general taunts and derision by your peers to being denigrated to mere "chap" status.

In other words, do what you want but make sure there aren't any witnesses! :p (Especially if they're carrying cameras. Do you really want pix of your frilly curtains being passed around under the counter? :D)

Ah…..as I suspected the Code while now existing in the written word the said document has not changed the time honoured practice of taking the pi$$.:rolleyes:

For those that experience brain fade and are identified as having strayed from accepted Blokely practice a reminder is extended to observe the Code. The reminder should take the form of a swift retort of a witty nature that should cause the transgressor embarrassment commensurate with the extent of chap like behaviour. It should also produce a response from nodding approval to substantial guffawing from those Blokes present.

No further clarification required.:D

Cliff Rogers
21st September 2007, 09:27 AM
aaahhh uuummm sorta like your chintz curtains eh Cliffy :doh: :U :q
Struth.... I had to look chintz (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chintz) up, still not sure I get it. :?

Black Ned
21st September 2007, 09:36 AM
All transgressors will hereby be referred to as:-
"A Big Girl's Blouse"

Honorary Bloke
21st September 2007, 09:37 AM
Struth.... I had to look chintz (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chintz) up, still not sure I get it. :?

Don't be thick, Cliff. :rolleyes: Ask Wendy if you dont know. :D

Cliff Rogers
21st September 2007, 09:55 AM
Wendy's curtains are lace...:rolleyes:

I suspect that Ding is referring to the ones that Silent spotted in a picture of my shed....:cool:

Wild Dingo
21st September 2007, 01:42 PM
Wendy's curtains are lace...:rolleyes:

I suspect that Ding is referring to the ones that Silent spotted in a picture of my shed....:cool:

Silent wasnt the only one who noticed those lovely chappy type curtains Cliff :; I mean you might have had a tree through the shed which is a pretty good blokey type thing but the curtains? definanly forever brands you a chappy type :q :U

Lace chintz whatever!!! Flouncy pouncy curtains!!... you know what I meant yer yob! :doh:

Cliff Rogers
21st September 2007, 01:57 PM
...Lace chintz whatever!!! Flouncy pouncy curtains!!... you know what I meant yer yob! :doh:
I still have them, they are exactly where they were 7 months ago (http://www.woodworkforums.com/showpost.php?p=460392&postcount=332). :D

21st September 2007, 01:58 PM

The Code of Practice

Condenced version

For my shed and all within it to be taken particular notice of by:
and anyone or thing that enters said shed

1) It is MY SHED

Do NOT argue with this FACT!!

2) Dont like it... LEAVE (use of other expleatives acceptable as you determine appropriate)

Do NOT argue with this FACT!! Just walk away

3) You come into MY SHED you do as I say not as you want no arguments no discussion


4) If you want to stay DONT STAND STILL doing nothing!

Sanding is always good! And YOU get the BEER!!


I think I can get that nice an clear onto an A3 sheet :2tsup:

Ding, I'm impressed! This is very good work (short, too!). Have a greenie!

Wild Dingo
23rd September 2007, 02:13 AM
I still have them, they are exactly where they were 7 months ago (http://www.woodworkforums.com/showpost.php?p=460392&postcount=332). :D

Dont tell me you still havent fixed the shed Cliff? :doh: Strewth even Im not that slow!! :U

You do realize the best place for those things is

in the bin!! :2tsup:

Driver mate I know... sometimes Im a bloody wonder eh! :q cheers for green one ol son... whatsa comesa rounda musta onea day come back!! :2tsup: you'll get yours ol fella! :;

23rd September 2007, 07:04 AM
But, Shane canot say he is slow, as he still has not had the power put on to his shed . . . .:U

My window covering is a sheet of Auscam material, doubled up and semi stuck up with speed tape. One day I'll wake a few screws thru to hold it properly.

Wild Dingo
23rd September 2007, 12:28 PM
But, Shane canot say he is slow, as he still has not had the power put on to his shed . . . .:U

Nah Im not slow... I KNOW Im not slow... Im friggin dribbling along!!! :doh: Every time I think "YEAH Im gonna get power you friggin little ripper" she... her bloody highness... that other gender person I share my flamin life with... yeah her she comes along and decides "oooh no you dont need power you have a long lead you can use no I need some more material fat quaters cotton needles WHATFRIGGINEVER!! and thats that... sadly I think its gonna come down to me say nothin and the leccy just showin up one day while shes out and wiring the shed on the quiet :;

My window covering is a sheet of Auscam material, doubled up and semi stuck up with speed tape. One day I'll wake a few screws thru to hold it properly.

sshhhh dont wake the screws man!!! leave em asleep dude! :U :U I actually think you bein a boofhead and all that you said that on purpose right? yeah we know too much of that hippy yippee yaya weed for Pat boy :roll: and now you think you want to wake the screws but REALLY PAT... You dont really WANT to wake them do you? think theyre gonna be happy with a boofhead wakin them? why would you do that? to screw the auscam stuff to the metal? SCREW THAT!!! You leave them buggars alone yer wombat!!

Ahem thankee kindly fellas... Glad I could be of assistance :2tsup:

ps... note to boofhead... leave the hippy yippee yaya weed alone mate it will mess with yer head :q :U

Cliff Rogers
23rd September 2007, 09:39 PM
Dont tell me you still havent fixed the shed Cliff? :doh: Strewth even Im not that slow!! :U....
Nope, working on the renos on 2 houses....:rolleyes:

But, Shane canot say he is slow, as he still has not had the power put on to his shed . . . .:U.....
My new shed is almost 3 years old & still doesn't have power yet.... it is just for storage at this stage. :cool:
I needed to use my router table to make a couple of cuts in 2 bits of skirting board & the teable is stored in the new shed... rather than dig it out & drag it up to the shed that does have power I wheeled the generator down to the new shed, fired it up, made the cuts & wheeled in home again... It was easier. :shrug: :D

23rd September 2007, 09:47 PM
Don't you love when you post under the influence (of Alcohol) I meant Wack, not wake:U

I just stay with the beer, it makes my silly enough:drink2: :cheers2: :tequila: