View Full Version : Who uses the phone over the internet?

6th June 2006, 07:46 PM
Who uses the phone over the internet?

Do you use a normal phone and just dial out normally,

or do you use a headset and dial with your computer.

What does it cost to setup and run?

6th June 2006, 08:00 PM
I don't yet but I will be.

It costs a local phone call.

I will be using a headset (with USB connection for improved clarity) and it will be done over the computer connection (nothing to do with a normal phone).

Setup cost = headset cost.

Running cost = local phone calls + internet bill (and a fair chunk of download too).


6th June 2006, 08:07 PM
Just hooked up to broadband so I will be looking into it myself. I have family in terstate and its the go to keep in touch with them.

6th June 2006, 08:25 PM
I use Voip (Voice Over Internet Protocol). Current provider is a company called Engin. I use a separate phone that plugs into a special box and this plugs into my router. Any normal call in Australia is 10c untimed. I pay a $10 monthly fee.

6th June 2006, 08:35 PM
That sounds better than the headset idea.
Does the computer need to be turned on?

7th June 2006, 02:38 PM
Hi Echidna,

We use Internode's adsl service at home (http://www.internode.on.net/adsl) and they have a product called Nodephone (http://www.internode.on.net/nodephone/)

It is a similar setup what Babylon5 described except we don't pay a monthly subscription fee. The call costs are 18c untimed to any landline in Aus and mobiles are 30c per minute.

In terms of quality I've been really happy although you really need a broadband service with a minumum of 512k though.

The nice thing about our setup (and the same with engin) is that you plug a standard telephone into the device and you make calls as you normally would and you don't need to have your pc switched on (it's completely independent).

We paid $190 to get set up but that included the cost telephone adapter (Sipura SPA-300) which Internode preconfigured.


7th June 2006, 03:14 PM
I have been using the Primus Talk Broadband - it's $10 a month, with 10c untimed calls Australia wide, 2.7c international calls and 26c mobile calls. http://www.iprimus.com.au/talkbroadband/plans.asp

The beauty is there's no headsets - they supply an analog adapter and you you just plug in your standard phone and connect it to the modem - no need for the PC to be switched on - in fact you don't actually need a PC!

You do need a broadband connection - doesn't matter which provider. It was very straightforward to set up and call quality is good.

Set-up was $99 and includes the adapter.


7th June 2006, 05:33 PM
I wonder how it would go with broadband over a 2 way satellite?
Can you have more than 1 phone service?

7th June 2006, 06:03 PM
Hi Echidna,

I wonder how it would go with broadband over a 2 way satellite?

It *should* work but the biggest issue with internet via satellite is the latency ie. the time it takes for the data to leave the dish bounce off the satellite and return to earth and vice versa. Typically this not much of an issue with web surfing but it may make phone calls a bit choppy.

Can you have more than 1 phone service?

You can, it depends on the providor and how much bandwidth you have.


Auld Bassoon
7th June 2006, 06:38 PM
Also that satellite services are typically very asymmetric, eg 512Mbps downlink, but 64Kbps uplink - using a PSTN (ie normal phone) link.

7th June 2006, 07:00 PM
must be 2 way satellite.
I'm thinking of eliminating telstra totally, no landlines.

Auld Bassoon
7th June 2006, 07:21 PM
Bob, Such services do exist, but I'm not aware of any from any domestic (as it were) service provider. Happy to be corrected.

Jim Carroll
7th June 2006, 08:38 PM
Are you getting a new phone number with this setup or using your existing number.
I would like an extra line to the house but telstra want their share as well.

7th June 2006, 09:46 PM
Look at
they run a voip called Voise
you might qualify for Hibis Vsat

8th June 2006, 12:27 AM
I was thinking of bordernet and the hibis subsidy.

David H
8th June 2006, 03:03 AM
Hi Guys
I have been using VOIP for the last 2 years and enjoying cheap calls that it would be painfull to go back to having to pay for calls at the price that the big telco charges. Over the last so long I have used 2 different systems for Voip calls. I started out with a program you can get off the internet for free from www.skype.com (http://www.skype.com) which allows you call call anyone else in the world for free so long as that person has the skype program on their computer. So all you have to do is get your friends and rellies to load the program on their computer and your away. You can also use the program to text other users for free. That is computer to computer. As well you can also see at a glance as to whether any of your contacts are online. You do need a head set or mic to make calls. The 2nd part of the system is where you can set up your computer to call any landline in the world by buying time in $10 blocks from Skype and this is call Skype Out. The only problem I have had is at times there may be a slight delay or lag in voice return possibly due to how busy the internet is at different times of the day. With Skype out you can call any landlines and in the world for as little as 2c/min which is really hard to beat. Mobile calls are slightly dearer.
I now also have Voip access through Ozemail where if you bundle your internet and phone provider with them you get voip access for free. This means you pay $29.95 for your internet access then $31/mth for them to provide your phone service. This allows you to make calls to any capital city in Australia for 10c untimed and 5c/min to any landline in the world. Beauty of this is there is no delay in voice.
I still use Skype to call my neice in Edinbugh and brother in Tassie simply on cost, not that there is a lot of difference in cost when it is so cheap. Skype is worth giving a go to see how you like cheap calls and you get it for nothing which is a bonus. No I don't work for either company.:cool:
David H

9th June 2006, 12:01 AM
Using Internode Node phone here and happy with it. Not the cheapest around but Internode unbeaten for backup service.

9th June 2006, 12:41 AM

Do a search on Skype on the forum. There was quite a discussion on it and several forum members joined up. eg Al, Cliff Rodgers, dazza, Keith Cunnington and groggy

I have been using it for some time. I bought a logitech USB head set about $73.00.

Computer to computer is free as well as the software as DavidH showed the website. Call to most land lines all over the world average out at about 4.5cents a minute and 30 cents a miute to mobiles

I have a 2 way satellite connection and there is a bit of a delay but is OK. You just have allow a pause when you have finished speaking.

There is a company called GoBush Broadband through MyWisp at $29.95 a month for 500meg download limit at 256/64K download/upload. Do a google search.