View Full Version : Air bubbles in paint
4th June 2006, 10:29 PM
I am experimenting with a smooth finish for my kitchen cabinets. I have mixed penetrol, about 15%, to oil based paint. The finish is coming out fantastic except for one little thing. Air bubbles!!!!!!!!!!!
I can't seem to get a finish with out the bubbles. Any ideas???:confused:
5th June 2006, 10:31 PM
Tap the tin? Leave it for five minutes after stirring?
7th June 2006, 10:08 PM
When you stir your paint try not to introduce air into it, stir gently & certainly do not shake the tin.
Do not scrape the brush on the side of the tin prior to applying a stroke.
load the brush carefully but not excessivly. let excess drip away.
You will have to scrape excess duild up from the brush some time, but do it on one side of the tin and before you reload, when you reload do it from the other side of the tin.
Use a wet brush and do not press hard enough to deform the bristles so much that they open up and air is introduced into the brush.
If you want a realy nice finish..... spray:D
9th June 2006, 07:57 AM
Buy a really good brush and make sure it's suitable for use with the product you are applying.