22nd May 2006, 02:05 AM
Damm modern Techo Stuff it just dosn't last, I still have a perfectly good radio tape player in the shed in the dust 30 years old and still works without missing a beat.
About 4 months ago the 4 year old dvd burner decided it was far too important to look at cd's or even aknowledge they exist
No problem as I also have a 6 year old cd burner , Being a quiet night decided tonight to put songs on an I-Pod for shmbo's holliday in early June, have been getting around to it for a couple of weeks now , after the second CD it decides to loose its smoke,
Annoying yes but to think I was at a computer fair this afternoon looking at LG double laver 16 speed dvd burners for $56 and thought no don't need one yet, and the next fair isn't till after shmbo leaves . Hate to think of the price at Harvies or Dominoes.
And this stuff is inside regulated temp and power no dust and still doesn't last.
So to cap it all off have spent 4 hours trying to get latest download driver for the dvd burner , for which there are none , cause its just too old , 4 years and its redundant , what are we coming to :confused:
About 4 months ago the 4 year old dvd burner decided it was far too important to look at cd's or even aknowledge they exist
No problem as I also have a 6 year old cd burner , Being a quiet night decided tonight to put songs on an I-Pod for shmbo's holliday in early June, have been getting around to it for a couple of weeks now , after the second CD it decides to loose its smoke,
Annoying yes but to think I was at a computer fair this afternoon looking at LG double laver 16 speed dvd burners for $56 and thought no don't need one yet, and the next fair isn't till after shmbo leaves . Hate to think of the price at Harvies or Dominoes.
And this stuff is inside regulated temp and power no dust and still doesn't last.
So to cap it all off have spent 4 hours trying to get latest download driver for the dvd burner , for which there are none , cause its just too old , 4 years and its redundant , what are we coming to :confused: