View Full Version : Stump depth

20th May 2006, 09:38 PM
Could anyone tell me what is the minimum depth for stumps,I have purchased a block of land and the soil test stated that I could have problems excavating.

It also stated that levelling pad mortar could be used

Does That mean stumps?

I just took a crow bar to the block and dug in about 6 spots,it seemed to go 400-500 ok

Also is a rating 1-6 for a slope is high or medium


22nd May 2006, 02:41 PM
No idea in your case...in mine I had to go down to clay and then some....bloody tree roots!!!!

In the end 800mm deep.

22nd May 2006, 03:51 PM
There is not a simple answer to this, The Engineer will specify the depth and size of the stump hole, and the thickness of the concrete footing based on the soil test, and what is being built on it.


23rd May 2006, 04:48 PM
The soil test should state what class has been determined i.e. Class M , S or whatever. The class relates to what depth to go to and the size of the pad is determined by the area of & type of load the stump is supporting