View Full Version : Connecting a VCR, DVD & Mono TV Together

Metal Head
14th May 2006, 09:07 PM

And guess what I cannot get it to work:(. I just looked through the archives using the search facility and came across only one appropriate thread (see link below).

http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/showthread.php?p=256553&highlight=dvd#post256553 (http://www.woodworkforums.ubeaut.com.au/showthread.php?p=256553&highlight=dvd#post256553)

However, as you can see it also involved connecting FOXTEL that I don’t require. What I want to do is to connect it all up so that I can use either the DVD or VCR through a mono Sony TV (16 years old and still going strong). However, the TV has only one outlet for the aerial and no inlets.

The VCR is a Panasonic NV-FJ620 (Hi-Fi)
The DVD is a Panasonic DMR-ES10

As mentioned in the link above could I get away with using a switch unit (that I know nothing about) or is there an alternative?.

Thanking everyone in advance who takes the time out to reply – much appreciated.

If it helps I can load up any image you require to make a decision.

14th May 2006, 09:32 PM
Hi David

The VCR should be a piece of cake but I think that the DVD may be a problem because I have not seen a DVD that has a RF connection out.

With most early DVD's that came out cannot be played through a VCR because there was an industry agreement to scramble the signal so people couldn't copy DVD's to video but you could try it.

If you get a AV stereo cable and connect the AV OUT on the DVD to the AV IN on the VCR and connect the external arial to the RF in on the VCR to the RF out on the VCR to the RF in on the TV.

You may have to tune a channel on the TV to the VCR.

16th May 2006, 04:52 PM
Failing that you can buy a modulator to feed into the back of the TV via the aerial input, you would also need to get a splitter to feed botyh units in and you could wind up with some problems.
RF inputs are pretty crappy compared to AV as the signal is processed and buggered around with considerably before you get to see it, I thought 16 years ago Panasonic were producing TV's with AV inputs, sure theres not one hiding on the front or side of the TV?

Metal Head
18th May 2006, 09:29 PM
Hi Barry & Iain,

Thanks for your replies. However, I have been too busy so far this week to try out your suggestions but hopefully I will get sometime over the weekend to try the ideas out.

Iain, as I stated in the original post I have a Sony TV - not a Panasonic;).


18th May 2006, 11:00 PM
It's your fault of course, a big paragraph with Sony tucked away hidden amongst everything and then two single lines with Panasonic glaring at me.
I fail to accept that the error was mine, but what I said about Panasonic stands with Sony, but I have been known to be wrong before:rolleyes: