View Full Version : Petrol, phootie.....I spit on you
3rd May 2006, 08:04 PM
Hi viewer.
Think petrol is expensive at A$1.40 per litre?
Well check this out.
Bananas are currently selling for A$12 per kilo, that is about A$1.50 each.
Good job I dont have a monkey to feed.
Ook, ook.....
Al :p
Auld Bassoon
3rd May 2006, 08:09 PM
But how many 'nanas to the Km is what I want to know? :) :)
3rd May 2006, 08:13 PM
But how many 'nanas to the Km is what I want to know? :) :)
This a question only Zed can answer..ook
Al :p
3rd May 2006, 08:13 PM
This a question only Zed can answer..ook
Al :pthought he was lookin' a bit on the lean side. :D
Auld Bassoon
3rd May 2006, 08:23 PM
Ok Mr Zed! where are you hiding - spill the beans (or is than an alternative fuel too?)
BT anyone get snarled up in this morning's Melbourne traffic trash?
I go into the CBD fairly early (normally in my about 07:00), but this morning was a nightmare resulting from two truck crashes (I reckon the second one was caused by the driver of the second truck 'rubber-necking' the first crash), plus (would you believe it!) a fire truck also having a bingle...
Plus IDIOTS getting into junctions that aren't clear, so causing a three, four or five-way snarl-up :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
3rd May 2006, 08:29 PM
Ok Mr Zed! where are you hiding - spill the beans (or is than an alternative fuel too?)
BT anyone get snarled up in this morning's Melbourne traffic trash?
I go into the CBD fairly early (normally in my about 07:00), but this morning was a nightmare resulting from two truck crashes (I reckon the second one was caused by the driver of the second truck 'rubber-necking' the first crash), plus (would you believe it!) a fire truck also having a bingle...
Plus IDIOTS getting into junctions that aren't clear, so causing a three, four or five-way snarl-up :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
But did you waste any 'nanas?
Al :confused:
Auld Bassoon
3rd May 2006, 08:55 PM
Nope, Al, but I did spit a few dummies :eek: :D
Sir Stinkalot
3rd May 2006, 09:44 PM
(I reckon the second one was caused by the driver of the second truck 'rubber-necking' the first crash), plus (would you believe it!) a fire truck also having a bingle...
The radio reported that the first truck pushed a concrete barrier into the path of the second. Resulted in most of our staff being late due to delays on the Westgate Fwy.
Now back to the bananas ...... its a pity that the profits of the increased price don't go to the effected farmers who have lost their crops ..... it just a added bonus for those who haven't.
I have given up my daily banana habit.
Cliff Rogers
3rd May 2006, 10:05 PM
....... its a pity that the profits of the increased price don't go to the effected farmers who have lost their crops ..... it just a added bonus for those who haven't.
I have given up my daily banana habit.
Yeap. There's a farm up the cape about half way between Larry & Monica that reckons they'll make $20Mil this year. Sux I reckon....
I buy 'backyard bananas' at the markets but I'm lucky 'cos I like mine ripe, like yellow skins with black dots, just when the stall holder is about to chuck them out, I get them for $1 a bag, even now they are only $2.50 a bag full of more than I can eat before the go totally black. :D
3rd May 2006, 10:52 PM
I have given up my daily banana habit.
Think about poor Zed. The poor ape is having to spend all of his woodwork money on bananas. Yes, he has no bananas.
Cliff Rogers
3rd May 2006, 11:08 PM
Think about poor Zed. The poor ape .....
He's not an ape, he's a chimp, they get more vine swings to the banana. :cool:
3rd May 2006, 11:15 PM
He's an ape, just not a great one.
Cliff Rogers
3rd May 2006, 11:18 PM
Oooooo, you'll get a reddie for that. :eek: