View Full Version : nails/nail gun type for timber flooring

13th April 2006, 10:34 AM
Going to lay a timber floor that i had ripped up a few months ago. 130mm baltic pine floor boards i think and joist hardwood (very hard, red gum??). The wood is as old as the house, maybe 100 year??

What type of nails/nail gun should i use?

How long should i wait before i sand and finish the floor?


13th April 2006, 05:59 PM
A T-nailer is the only thing to use. 45mm x 2.2 T-nails will do the trick. As for how long to wait before sanding I`m not too sure but i dont see why you couldnt do it straight away.

14th April 2006, 09:35 AM
I know a bloke who does timber inspections, & he says never use old pine/kauri because as it ages it becomes extremely suseptible to a specific type of borer. Anyhow, i suppose you're going to use it anyway, so get yourself up to speed with flooring & all the hickups at this website.http://www.timber.net.au/bulletin.htm

journeyman Mick
14th April 2006, 12:43 PM
A T-nailer is the only thing to use.............

Not quite, a secret nailer specifically for flooring would be my first pick for a really good floor with a T-niler as 2nd pick.


14th April 2006, 08:14 PM
This is probably like asking for striped paint or left-handed screwdrivers but what's a T-nailer?

My hardwood T&G floor was put down when the house was built (1940's) and I've recently had to remove some boards to get access under the house. The boards are face-nailed with two "T" shaped nails per joist. The long section of the nails is hammered along the grain which hides the nail well. I haven't been able to find similar nails (other than for nail-guns) and was planning to use bullet heads instead. Are these T-nails?