View Full Version : ag pipe to stormwater

10th April 2006, 03:56 PM
Can anyone tell me the legalities of running some ag pipe into a stormwater pit in the backyard?

I am building a decking and looking at drainage options and this is something I came up with.

I am in VIC so if anyone has any knowledge regarding the issue, would be great.

10th April 2006, 04:40 PM
I thought that's where you were supposed to run it anyway :confused:

It's crap stuff though, won't be long before it blocks up.

10th April 2006, 05:11 PM
I did it last year in the Hume Council area.
The Council told me that I could do it but needed a silt trap (@$30 from bunnings) prior to connecting the ag pipe to the storm water. No inspections, permits or anything.
Check your own council first as they are all different, but storm water is for drainage.

I suppose the benefit to that is the silt trap lets you get access to the ag pipe when it silts up, so you can blast it out with a high pressure hose. :confused:

23rd April 2006, 12:52 PM
make sure you use the socked ag pipe ( the pipe has a stocking like material over it to keep the fine dirt from blocking it up.