View Full Version : Prices - F62 Mesh and Form Ply

7th April 2006, 11:11 AM
I'm doing the raft slab for our new house, so ringing around for prices on mesh and form ply.

The joint that I have actually ordered/purchased from is Steeltex Australia in Bellevue here in WA at $52.80 a sheet. Other prices are: Midalia Steel $69.00, Onesteel $86.00 and Smorgon Steel $94.00. I said to the bloke at Smorgon "you're kidding" the reply "no" I then said doesn't look like I'll be dealing with your company then and said bye.

Formply - 3 joints, Ed Hartley Timbers, Big River Timbers and M&B Doors are all around $60 mark a sheet. My local Bunnings (Morley) $105 a sheet. I'm going to really test Bunnings with their "beat any price by 10%" blurb.

7th April 2006, 11:42 AM
Go back to one of the other retailer and get your 10%. The Bunnings gimmick is only there to weaken their competition. Once the competition goes you will pay $105 and probably more per sheet.
I think this type of deal should be outlawed as it just lets the big boys steal competition while setting their prices above cometitive rates.

7th April 2006, 11:49 AM
Go back to one of the other retailer and get your 10%. The Bunnings gimmick is only there to weaken their competition. Once the competition goes you will pay $105 and probably more per sheet.
I think this type of deal should be outlawed as it just lets the big boys steal competition while setting their prices above cometitive rates.

You're absolutly right. In addition It really does peev me off where they are just using the general public to do their work.