View Full Version : Type of floor to match Radiata pine internals
5th April 2006, 01:18 PM
What hardwood floor would look best with aged (18yrs) radiata pine ceiling & walls? Forest reds? Beech? Alpine Ash? Blackbutt? We are installing new 19mm cover grade (knots & all) hardwood tongue and groove flooring to be finished in tung oil as we have indoor dogs. The aged Radiata pine walls and ceiling has lots of dark knots & is quite a dark honey color. Would love to hear from wood lovers who have seen many a timber home from the good to the bad and very ugly, to hear any dos and donts re mixing of timbers. Would welcome any tips on what would look good? Also as we have indoor dogs we have decided to go tung oil finish - has anyone used this and felt they should have gone 2pak instead? :confused:
E. maculata
5th April 2006, 11:15 PM
New England Blackbutt would be my choice of colour to match aged (:rolleyes: ) rapaita, knots wouldn't be the main feature in "cover" grade though maimly old borer marks, vein and blackstain would be more prevailent. Have used tung oil, love it, unfortunately my dogs have hairy feet and mixed with polished floors it's sorta funny, in a dangerously pathetic sorta way.:o
7th April 2006, 01:09 PM
Ditto what Bruce said.
Coastal Blackbutt will darken as it gets older.
N.E.BBT may end up too dark as it ages.
White Mahogany or Yellow stringybark or even Tallowood would do it.
Tallowood could be more forgiving in tropical climate than the others.
Carry Pine
7th April 2006, 05:11 PM
We have radiata up to the dado line (1.2m) with a plaster ceiling and have blue gum floor and benchtop in kitchen. Works well because you have a bit of red in it. Not really noticeable unless you compare with some timber that is definitely brown. The red makes it.
Of course your choice of tung oil is excellent. When you give up your "feral' ways of having dogs inside, give it a light sand and re oil and it will look a million bucks! (ready for the grandchildren to scratch with their toys)