View Full Version : Drawing programs

30th March 2006, 11:07 PM
Can anyone tell me of a good program I can use to make up plans?

31st March 2006, 09:46 AM
I've just bought DesignCad (V16.1), which seems to be the bees knees for about $200. It does both 2D & 3D, and allows rotation, rendering & lots of good things. Comes with a good manual, & there's also a user forum similar to this. I'm still learning to drive it to its full potential, but it seems pretty good for most things.

This is the link to the forumDesignCad Forum (http://forums.upperspace.com/forum.asp?FORUM_ID=2)

2nd April 2006, 08:13 PM
I use "TURBOCAD DESIGNER 2D/3D" for all my plans more than sufficient I reckon for about $100

3rd April 2006, 03:13 PM
Autocad although it may have a steep learning curve is the industry standard by virtue of how many seats there are in the world.

Yes it is an expensive program but a clone version A9CAD is available for free.

Here is a site to obtain it from. www.a9tech.com (http://www.a9tech.com) they are the distributors.
