View Full Version : What do your Grandkids call you
27th March 2006, 08:43 PM
What do your Grandkids call you
or alternatively
What do you call your Grandparents
27th March 2006, 08:52 PM
What do your Grandkids call you
or alternatively
What do you call your Grandparents
i call my grandparents grandad and granma
27th March 2006, 08:52 PM
Well not old enough to have grandkids (Though my sister has), and all of my grandparents have died..
but my kids call my parents grandma and grandpa, and SHMBO's parents are OMA and OPA to respect their dutch heritage.
27th March 2006, 08:53 PM
Skew ChiDAMN!!
27th March 2006, 08:55 PM
It goes something like "Eeee! [burble] [fart]" and I presume it means "that odd hairy coot who keeps annoying me."
Our grands' were called "Grandma & Grandad" on one side and "Nan & Pop" on the other. Saved confusion. The women-folk were named first, 'cos they're the ones who fed us... their other halves just chased us outta their sheds while turning the air blue. :rolleyes:
27th March 2006, 09:10 PM
I called both sets Grandma & Grandad. My kids call SWMBO's parents Nana & Pa, and used to call my mother Grandma and my stepfather Pa Haemorrhoid (very perceptive children i have!)
27th March 2006, 09:17 PM
Unfortunately, I have always called mine dead.
My kids call their's - Grandad and Granma. My nieces, who live with my Mum, call her "Margy' . She is named Margaret.
We all call my father that old fu&%#&^ bas&^5787 &*&(*%$^$%.
27th March 2006, 09:18 PM
My son has just started talking and has done well with Mum (which is easier to say that SWMBO, but means the same) and Daddy (which means the guy with the wallet who fixes stuff I bust), but has been having trouble with SWMBO's parents' names - all the other grandkids call them Grandmother and Grandfather. My son has decided that this is too hard - he has turned Grandmother into "Diana" (strange since her name is Margaret) and has decided to call Grandfather "Huff Huff". My mother is Nonna (my sister and I called her mother Nanna, so it was a natural development when my sister decided to marry an Italian and live in Italy) and my Dad is no more, so the issue doesn't arise for him.
All of which shows that kids will take perfectly reasonable names and bugger them up......
27th March 2006, 10:28 PM
Hope to be some time off from being a grandparent. When mine were alive, I called them Grandpa, Grandma, and Nanna. The other one died before I was born. I presume he would have been a Pop. They are all gone now and my biggest regret is that when my Grandpa was on his death bed in hospital (prostate cancer) and asked to see me, I was too chicken to go. I was 16.
27th March 2006, 10:44 PM
Well my grandys where Grandma and grandpa and Grandad and Nanna
my kids have a nanny and Poppy ( my dad died a few yrs ago
my gran was Special Grandma to my kids and her other grandys and my aunti is Granny and my uncle granddad ..... ... but hey my kids asked me what i wante dto be called the other day when they have kids and i said nothing im too young hehehhe cheers all jules
27th March 2006, 10:58 PM
My nephews caller their english grandfather "hiyah" as he always said hi yah when saw anyone.
And a good friends kids called their two grandmothers "up granma" and "up up granma" reason being one lived in a first floor apartment and the other in a second floor unit, and though they are both in their late 20's they still call them up and up up, funny how the names kids give you stick.
27th March 2006, 11:09 PM
We keep dropping hints to the kids about how much we would like to be grandparents but this, so far, has had no tangible result :rolleyes: . We've decided we will be Nana and Grandad when the issue arises.
My mum told me a great story last week. She is 94, by the way. She had been to see my brother's son and his family. Their youngest is three years old and hadn't previously met Mum, who is, of course, the little fella's great-grandmother. She was explaining to him, with difficulty, that being Great-Granny means that she is Grandad's Mum.
The little bloke was incredulous: "You're Grandad's Mum?"
"That's right, love. I'm your Grandad's Mummy."
"So why," said the young bloke. "Does he look older than you?"
(My brother is 71 and wasn't best pleased when Mum gleefully advised him of his grandson's opinion).
28th March 2006, 12:12 AM
When I was a kid my sister and I called our grandparents on my mothers side Grandma in Heaven (she died before I was born) and Grandpa Whiskers (he had a beard). On my dad's side we just called them Grandma and Grandpa.
28th March 2006, 03:37 AM
My son usually calls me 'Dad', but on occasion used "Pa" - now his daughter calls me "justpa".
She was earlier confused and called me "Dad" and when corrected was told :
'No. It's just Pa'
28th March 2006, 08:17 AM
My grandkids have a name for me which sounds remarkably like "grumpy old bastard". ;)
28th March 2006, 09:13 AM
My grandkids have a name for me which sounds remarkably like "grumpy old bastard". ;)
Jeez Termite, that's a bit rough - you're not that old.:D
28th March 2006, 09:22 AM
I've got a Nana & Grandad on my dad's side, and until three years ago I had a Nana on my mums side and until two days ago I also had a Pop on my mums side. We send him off tomorrow (RIP mate).:(:(
My daughter currently calls all her grandparents the same as Skew ChiDAMN! gets called. Gurgle, burble, whee....etc. Give her time though and she should be calling them Gran & Poppy (wife's side) and Grandma & Grandpa (my side). Looking forward to the variations she comes up with though.....:)
28th March 2006, 10:21 AM
Bit early for that for me just yet, but my kids call my parent Nan & Pa and on my wifes side its Grammy & Grampy although we no longer have Grammy with us :(
28th March 2006, 04:15 PM
Called my g/parents on both sides Grandma and Grandad. Sadly I've only got one g/paent left on my Mum's side and she's as mad as with dimentia and I haven't seen her for at least 9 years - not that she would know me anyway.
My little girl will be calling her g/parents Gran and Gramps on SWMBO's side and Grandma to my Mum, she was also mad as a mad hatter until a few weeks ago and had been for over a year, then a miracle occured and she's back in the land of reality with the rest of us. (long story:( )
I'll be Pop when my kid/kids (fingers crossed) get old enough to sire their own. :)
28th March 2006, 04:24 PM
[QUOTE=FelderI also had a Pop on my mums side. We send him off tomorrow (RIP mate).:(:([/QUOTE]
G'day Felder,
My sincerest and deepest symthaties to you Felder and to your family. It doesn't feel like it's real when you hear of a family member passing, because the world just keeps on turning and it doesn't feel right.
28th March 2006, 08:19 PM
My grandkids call me grandpa when they can get their tongues around it, and papa or something similar until they can pronounce the 'gr'. My SIL keeps it consistent by calling me Pa. As he is of Dutch heritage, they call his parents olma and olpa.
28th March 2006, 08:29 PM
I don't have any kids and I only met one of my Grandparents. I called her Abuela which is spanish for Grandmother. She didn't like the idea of being called Gran et. al.
28th March 2006, 09:17 PM
Having just had my oldest sons girlfriend stay for the weekend, the idea of what I want my grandchildren to call me has just got one step closer :confused:
28th March 2006, 10:09 PM
Ther wife and Iare yet to find out
All three sons only admit to trialing
Cheers Sam
30th March 2006, 11:06 PM
Our live in Houstan, so it's Nanny (pronounced Naayanny with a good ole Texas drawl) and Grumpy (that's me to a tee - grump, grump, grump) :D
1st April 2006, 10:55 AM
My two Canadian grandchildren call me Grandpa, and my wife Nana - their choice. They have different names for their paternal grandparents.
My Aussie grandchildren call me Papa, and my wife Nana, again their choice.
I don't mind what they call me as long as I can be a part of their lives.:)
1st April 2006, 12:28 PM
I don't have any gradchildren yet, but i intend to start on the right foot - they can call me Sir!:D
1st April 2006, 12:35 PM
Sir Alex, that has a nice ring to it. :)
And when you have to chastise them it'll be, "Y.. Y.. Y.. Y.. Y.. Yes S.. S.. S.. S.. S.. Sir Alex :( "