View Full Version : Finish for fishing lures

Grahame Collins
24th March 2006, 09:24 PM
I would like to have a try at making some fishing lures out of wood. I would assume that a suitable finishing medium might be model aeroplane dope. Has anybody attempted wooden lures and do you have a recommendation on what may be a good sealer. $8 to $15 atime is getting too much for the placcy jobs



Wood Butcher
24th March 2006, 09:34 PM
Mate of mine used to make lures and all he did was dip them in a tin of polyurethane after he painted them. Considering he made them out of offcuts and expected to lose them eventually he did it the cheapest and easiest way,

24th March 2006, 09:38 PM
If you do a google for "paint for fishing lures" a lot of results come up including some about using glow paints.

24th March 2006, 10:07 PM
I made and sold lures in Cairns for about ten years, specialising in bibless lures for pelagics. I found the best finish was a product called 'envirotex'. It is a two part epoxy and needs to be rotated until it begins to set.. I also used two part estapol, but found it to be a bit too thin.