View Full Version : Single flush-Dual flush

16th March 2006, 03:48 PM
I couldn't find this one in the archive.

Can you replace the cistern on a single flush toilet with a new dual flush unit?

Is the pan going to cause a problem?

Obviously I will contact a plumber but would like to know the answer to that just in case he feels like pulling the wool over my eyes and bumping the bill on me, apologies to any plumbers but once bitten.......



16th March 2006, 03:51 PM

journeyman Mick
16th March 2006, 05:06 PM
you do need to be aware that older pans require a 9/4.5 litre flush and all the newer cisterns come with a 6/3 litre flush (some newer ones even less). Most of them are able to be adusted to the larger flush by taking out some spacers. Don't try to save water by using a 6/3 cistern on an older 9/4.5 pan as it won't flush out properly and you'll end up using more water trying to clear the floaters.


21st March 2006, 09:58 PM
Generally the cistern is the majority cost of a toilet system, so you might be better off buying a married couple.:)