View Full Version : Consideration.

11th March 2006, 02:13 PM
In consideration of the forum owners bandwidth, the members on dial-up, and the members with a small download limit, I suggest the following:-

This forum has a perfectly suitable method of posting pictures, and most pictures come up quite well at between 35 and 45 Kb using the method, that is 5 pictures for less than 250 Kb.

There is a practise, becoming increasingly common, of posting pictures directly into a post. This is using up a lot of bandwidth and sometimes this method is necessary, but mostly it is not.

To give an example, and I'm not picking on the person just using it as an example, there was a recent post with 5 pictures in it with a total of 2,383.35 Kb of pictures in the post.

That, in my opinion is a waste of 2,133.35 Kb of bandwidth, or someones download limit, or who knows how much time allowance for someone on dial-up, it was even slow on my 512K broadband connection. One of the pics was 635.93 Kb !:eek:

What about doing the right thing by Niel and your fellow forum members.

Rant mode off.

11th March 2006, 02:28 PM
Probably need to set a size limit on your servers. Anybody who posts images that size is probably ignorant of what is required for pictures on the web or just plain doesn't give a damn.

Wood Butcher
11th March 2006, 02:47 PM
There is a size limilt on pics currently at 100kb. What termites referring to is putting a link to an external picture server. The pictures then has to be downloaded as well as the rest of the thread. I do find it annoying sometimes and even on ADSL it can take some time to download large pictures.
Maybe there should be a sticky thread about picture posting etiquette?
I do agree that there is a perfectly good method for posting pictures here it should be sed in preference to others. Another problem is that if those pictures are ever taken off the external server they are lost from here forever, if the pictures are uploaded to the BB server that will never happen

11th March 2006, 03:02 PM
Fair comment I reckon Termite.

11th March 2006, 04:30 PM
Being on dial-up, and often sharing my limited bandwidth with two other users, I must agree.

When I upload images, I resize to a maximum of 800x600 pixels (don't worry about resolution - its irrelevant when setting image size by pixels) and save for web at 60% quality.

This results in a JPEG usually under 85kb, and fills the available space in my browser window.


12th March 2006, 07:47 AM
I'm talking directly in the post like here:-


12th March 2006, 09:20 AM
Fair comment. I personally prefer seeing the pictures inline, but can also see the plight of those on dialup.

One thing that is worth doing if you do put inline pictures in a post is to put a 56k warning in the message title.

If you are on dialup, and images are a problem, you can always turn them off in the browser prefs.

DPB's box post wasn't really over the top, he had resized the images to around 800 pixels... It's the ones where a fullsize 2000 pixel or so images are linked that are hard to view regardless of internet connection that are crazy...


12th March 2006, 09:52 AM
I wholly agree. Unfortunately some of our most valued contributors, particularly some from the USA, use that method. While it makes the articles more integrated, I'd rather choose whether or not to look at the pictures, as you can with the thumbnail method. I find the practice so annoying that I avoid those posters, which defeats the purpose. It must be unbearable on dial-up.

Incidentally, for those on dialup, you may find it worthwhile to change your forum viewing options. In UserCP, you can "Edit Options" and under "Thread Display Options", choose whether to display avatars, signatures or even images.

Even with broadband, I turned off display of avatars, signatures, smilies etc. some time ago. The removal of this extraneous rubbish makes an enormous difference, not just to the download speed but to the tone of the forum. It actually looks like a discussion forum rather than a playground for teenage computer gamers.


12th March 2006, 10:04 AM
The post that Termite pointed out is just over the top for anyone on dialup. Probably a 5 min+ load time. Resizing the pictures is only 1/2 the job, you also need to check the jpg compression (optimisation) to get the file size down. 50-100k still gives a good picture onscreen, but loads much faster.
Actually you owe it to yourself to do this, otherwise 1/2 the viewers are going to click the back button before they see the pictures :o


12th March 2006, 10:13 AM
DPB's box post wasn't really over the top, he had resized the images to around 800 pixels...
No problem with the physical size of the pics, but have a look at the Kb size, 635.93 Kb, 557.6 Kb, 518.77 Kb, 412.75 Kb, 259.3 Kb.

Do you see what I'm getting at?

12th March 2006, 10:45 AM
No problem with the physical size of the pics, but have a look at the Kb size, 635.93 Kb, 557.6 Kb, 518.77 Kb, 412.75 Kb, 259.3 Kb.

Do you see what I'm getting at?

Absolutely. I was just saying that there are people who learn how to embed an image before they learn to resize them, and they are a bigger hazard, as even if you have the bandwidth to download the image quickly, you can't make sense of it without scrolling all around it. These days, even the lowest res digicam can put out an image of about 1Mb, and some much more than that.

I'm not sure what the issue is with DPB's photo's - I opened one in my image editing program and re-saved it, and the image came out at 98kb - In fact, even turning everything on and making jpeg quality 100%, I can't make the file as large as the original. 100k image at about 81% quality with no other changes. Maybe there is some other data his image editing program is keeping in there...


12th March 2006, 01:12 PM
I'm with you all the way Termite!

Also posting on the forum rather than inline, loads them into the forum server, so that as long as the post is online, the pics will be online.

As a guide, I try to keep pics below about 800 pixels in any dimension, and below 50kb, usually they end up in that 35-45 kb range, and yes it is a pain and it does take time to crop a 3Mb shot and reduce it to 35kb, but that's life!

Now just don't have a crack about the NUMBER of pics on a thread eh?



12th March 2006, 02:07 PM
Now just don't have a crack about the NUMBER of pics on a thread eh?

Nothing wrong with a well illustrated thread Midge. :)

12th March 2006, 03:23 PM
I'm talking directly in the post like here:-


Took me four refreshes and about twenty minutes to open that thread. Needless to say, Termite, I agree in full.


12th March 2006, 06:30 PM

I agree with a stickee thread (web:p ) about downloading images.

Have a link to an easy and quick jpeg compression that is simple and easy to use.:D

i use my wifes adobe photoshop but that is way expensive:rolleyes:

But its gotta be simple and dazzlerproof.;)

12th March 2006, 09:27 PM
Termite, I didnt think that externaly linking a picture would affect Ubeauts bandwidth only the person uploading it?

Agree on those pics they are high res(for the web anyway), I zoomed it up to fullscreen on my screen(1900x1200!)and there was very little pixilation!

Hey you firefox users there a good plugin available the one I use to zoom in on pics by holding the mouse right button and zooming in/out with the scroll wheel! http://imagezoom.yellowgorilla.net/

doug the slug
12th March 2006, 09:39 PM
i am right with you here termite, jools and i share a 28.8 dialup connection (no we arent tight, just cant get broadbamd here, need to move 100m up the road) and if anyone starts downloading a big piccy like that the other one gets nothing for a few minutes. and sadly you cant really see much more in these high res piccies than you do in the low res ones

12th March 2006, 10:04 PM
i am right with you here termite, jools and i share a 28.8 dialup connection

Geez Doug that really is a bugger. I know what 28.8 is like from being throtled on my broadband. :(

Can you not at least get 56.6 ?

12th March 2006, 10:36 PM
When you live out in the sticks you are stuck with Telstra's crummy phone service. My line wouldn't even give me a reliable 28.8 service.
Even though I am over the maximum distance from the exchange an ISDN service gives me a mediocre but reliable internet connection.

But telstra charges all local phone calls by the minute on isdn.
If I scrap the isdn I will get untimed local calls again.

I should really get a satellite broadband (not thru frogpond) and scrap the isdn phone completley

12th March 2006, 10:49 PM
I've just signed up for 2 way satalite broadband for $40 a month free instalation with bordernet. Should have it in a month.

13th March 2006, 06:48 AM
This has been posted many many times.


The best and quickest compression yet .

13th March 2006, 09:04 AM
This has been posted many many times.


The best and quickest compression yet .

Hmm. Only works with Windows. I didn't think anyone still used that.. :D


13th March 2006, 11:00 AM
This has been posted many many times.


The best and quickest compression yet .

Thanks for the link. It is interesting to compare because I am in the process of completing a similar program myself. Mine does not handle as wide a range of image types (just bmp and jpg) but provides a couple of features that jpegcompress does not, namely cropping and brightness adjustment.

I've put it up on a temporary web page here: (available for a few days only)

I think it does some things better and some not as well but would appreciate your opinions and suggestions for improvements. The intention is to keep it simple. I'm not trying to compete with Photoshop. The help system hasn't been written yet but it is easy to use. To process multiple files at once, just select a range of files.

Yes, it is for Windows only and you will need 800 x 600 screen resolution or better.


Wood Butcher
13th March 2006, 07:04 PM
I'm a bit confused from the instructions for your program Coldamus. Why do I have to enter my email address. That reason alone is enough for me not to want to use it.

13th March 2006, 09:03 PM
I'm a bit confused from the instructions for your program Coldamus. Why do I have to enter my email address. That reason alone is enough for me not to want to use it.

How else would the person you send your pictures to know who sent them and where to reply?

I understand your reluctance, though. For that reason I've added a paragraph to the instructions which I will repeat below. Note that you don't have to set the email parameters at all if you are going to use another program to send the pictures. You can still use it to resize and crop your images. Here is the paragraph I have added (referring to the email parameters):

Please note that this information will only be saved in the program's settings on your machine. No information whatever will be sent to me or used for any clandestine purpose. Let me make it clear that any software I produce whether sold or given away free is guaranteed to operate in an ethical manner - i.e. no trojans, no junk mail, no advertising popups, no harvesting of email addresses, no invasion of privacy.


14th March 2006, 03:37 PM
For thos that want a basic image editing programme, I use ACDSee which costs about $50 US for the software Net download. You used to be able to get a 30 day free trial to see if you like it. Its not as high end capable as say photoshop but then again its far easier to manipulate the image to a reasonable result. Compression, size and resolution can all be changed as well as brightness, colour replacement or saturation, image rotation and lots of other image storage and handling features.

I have no association with this product, just one that I like to use. :)