View Full Version : Where the blazes did that Teak thread go?

Wild Dingo
9th March 2006, 01:21 AM
A couple of days ago there was a thread titled "Teak - $1 cubic metre" on here somewhere... now I posted a reply and have gotten two emails of other people posting to it... BUT! When I click the link in the email to go to the thread to read ALL the posts I get a blasted page asking for a password


I Posted to the initial thread without a password... I was never asked to create a password and have never been offered one... so what gives?

So a person can come on and start a thread then after getting a few responses can then shut the thread and demand a password? EVEN when no blasted password is offered??

Seriously PHISSED OFF here! :mad:

9th March 2006, 02:05 AM
It's in the naughty room (OPEN SLATHER). Ask nicely and he'll give you the password.


9th March 2006, 08:21 AM
Shane ask nicely? :eek: Woooo. I'd like to read that email :D Poor , must be tough being a moderator with this mob sometimes :rolleyes:


Wild Dingo
9th March 2006, 11:37 AM
Ahem... thanks to some very thoughtfull person has been saved from my email ire :o

Bloody hell that thread fair went down the shyteshoot in a flamin rush or what!!! :eek:

See now dont I always tell my hoonberrys that "if something seems to good to be true it usually bloody well is"??? mmmm dont I say that eh? Well I do... and Teak at $1 a cube was just too good to be true :( So I shoulda just ignored it... but hey Im a bit of a tightwad with me finances so when someone offers such I go for it! ;) trouble is Im usually wrong

Ahhh well gotta be careful with those sorts of threads eh? :rolleyes:

Cheers all

PS... Relax no irritated verbose majorly phissed off email comin your way from me... ahem yet!!;)

9th March 2006, 01:07 PM
Don't feel bad, you didn't miss a new boat deck for the GI skiff for $1 + freight.

He was making the point that he wouldn't pay $1/cube because of the toxic qualities (I think).
Now the dude is banned and the thread is locked in the naughty room. :rolleyes:

Wood Wannabe
9th March 2006, 01:19 PM
Thats right clinton. LOL

Poor Max Ripper was banned for a joke some hard nosed guy didn't get HEHE

9th March 2006, 07:26 PM
Thats right clinton. LOL

Poor Max Ripper was banned for a joke some hard nosed guy didn't get HEHE

Poor Max Ripper be buggered, the bod was a 100% pure homophobic moron with the intelligence of a retarded boil and the mouth of a Billy Connolly wannabe! GOOD RIDDANCE!:mad:

9th March 2006, 07:50 PM
Why do I get the feeling he's back, with a new alias? :confused:

9th March 2006, 07:52 PM
Why do I get the feeling he's back, with a new alias? :confused:

Its him alright.
He can run, but he cant hide.

Al :D

9th March 2006, 07:55 PM
Why do I get the feeling he's back, with a new alias? :confused:
..... or maybe even two???

But Christopha's cleverly constructed statement above should win the Nobel prize for ironic observation, a delicious outcome indeed for a homophobic moron!


P (anyone have any teak?)
:D :D

9th March 2006, 08:03 PM
..... or maybe even two???

But Christopha's cleverly constructed statement above should win the Nobel prize for ironic observation, a delicious outcome indeed for a homophobic moron!


P (anyone have any teak?)
:D :D

Yeah, Ive got an teaks.

Al :rolleyes: :cool:

9th March 2006, 08:04 PM
two, who'd a thought? You'd think the brickbats thrown at him would be enough....

9th March 2006, 08:08 PM
two, who'd a thought? You'd think the brickbats thrown at him would be enough....

No brain; No pain.


Wild Dingo
10th March 2006, 12:42 AM
Poor Max Ripper be buggered, the bod was a 100% pure homophobic moron with the intelligence of a retarded boil and the mouth of a Billy Connolly wannabe! GOOD RIDDANCE!:mad:

Oooh now mate... was a time when the big yin was bloody good value... sigh actually Ive got a couple of early tapes of him pre-obsessive foul mouth days and he was bloody funny as hell... sadly like most comedians nowadays the overuse of foul language has become the norm... I had a bloke in Canada send me a recent video of Robin Williams doing a stage show in Ontario or somewhere and the language would have put a bloody wharfie to shame :eek:

Find it flamin sad that these people who can bring such joy and happiness to everyone who hears or sees them feel that the only way they can tell a funny story or joke is to F this or C that or whatever other garbage comes out of their mouths :mad:

But your right about Max thank gawd for the legendary eh? saves the day once again!! :cool:

11th March 2006, 07:35 AM
Yeah, Ive got an teaks.

Al :rolleyes: :cool:

nhuck nhuck :p