View Full Version : Melbourne Games
1st March 2006, 01:08 PM
What's this about God Save the Queen then? Surely HRH deserves her personal anthem.... Comment?
1st March 2006, 04:06 PM
Who gives a rats whether old Betty gets her personal song? Stuff her and all who sail in her and the games themselves are a waste of energy, money, interest if they are only confined to "Commonwealth" cuntries!
Edited to add: Tis easy to be negative I know but the Commonwealth games really do seem to me to some sort of hangover from the days of the bloody British Empire and all of the irrelevant Bumph that went with it..... Shame we don't still have old "Pig Iron Bob" around to play the super sycophant!
Auld Bassoon
1st March 2006, 05:08 PM
I must agree with Christopha, I believe the concept of a "Commonwealth" to be well past it's "use by date"
1st March 2006, 06:47 PM
Otherwise known as the consolation games. So that all the athletes not good enough at the real games stand a chance of winning something... :rolleyes:
2nd March 2006, 12:21 PM
they have games in Melbourne :confused:
I reckon you have to be game to go to Melbourne :D
2nd March 2006, 01:00 PM
Good time to be out of Melbourne, won't be easy to get around with them on and worst of all it's stuffing around with real sport. Carn the Maggies!!!!!
2nd March 2006, 01:53 PM
Like they said on the radio the other day 'it not a proper games because it doesnt have a flame..'
2nd March 2006, 03:06 PM
Like they said on the radio the other day 'it not a proper games because it doesnt have a flame..'
Oges, it dose have a proper flame, the Black GST protest group protesting about the "Stolenwealth Games" are bringing with them the "sacred" flame from the campfire at the tent embasy in Canberra. Wonder if the Queen will pop in to say hello
2nd March 2006, 03:31 PM
Oges, it dose have a proper flame, the Black GST protest group protesting about the "Stolenwealth Games" are bringing with them the "sacred" flame from the campfire at the tent embasy in Canberra. Wonder if the Queen will pop in to say hello
If they are coming from up thataway then they could bring their own Queens with 'em!
Kev Y.
2nd March 2006, 03:55 PM
I much perfered the winter olympics, THERE was a set of events that relied on SKILL and training, NOT on racial breeding or financial standing.
3rd March 2006, 11:17 AM
The games are going to cost the taxpayers of this state/country gazillions despite what Smiler Madden and Big Red (Ronny Walker)say to the contrary.
At the same time parents on the eastern outskirts of Melbourne, are mortgaging their houses to pay for an extra teacher at their STATE Primary School, and people are going home from hospitals with serious, and in some cases life threatening conditions because they get fed up with waiting to be seen, and we have one Police Car patrolling the whole of the Yarra Valley at night with no 24 hour stations in operation. What is the world coming to?
And we exercise our brains worrying about anacronisms (including the Commomwealth Games!) which have no relevance in our country today.
3rd March 2006, 03:19 PM
I think all the games are a waste of space, time and money.
They are fundamentally unequal, where those countries who spend the most win the most. Australia spends 100s of millions of dollars a year so we can be good and win a few medals.
People like Thorpe are considered heros when in fact they are just genetic freaks.
I can't wait until they are over so I don't have to put up with the crap any more.
3rd March 2006, 04:47 PM
I think all the games are a waste of space, time and money.
They are fundamentally unequal, where those countries who spend the most win the most. Australia spends 100s of millions of dollars a year so we can be good and win a few medals.
People like Thorpe are considered heros when in fact they are just genetic freaks.
I can't wait until they are over so I don't have to put up with the crap any more.
The games are going to cost the taxpayers of this state/country gazillions despite what Smiler Madden and Big Red (Ronny Walker)say to the contrary.
At the same time parents on the eastern outskirts of Melbourne, are mortgaging their houses to pay for an extra teacher at their STATE Primary School, and people are going home from hospitals with serious, and in some cases life threatening conditions because they get fed up with waiting to be seen, and we have one Police Car patrolling the whole of the Yarra Valley at night with no 24 hour stations in operation. What is the world coming to?
And we exercise our brains worrying about anacronisms (including the Commomwealth Games!) which have no relevance in our country today.
What they said.
Auld Bassoon
3rd March 2006, 06:39 PM
Good time to be out of Melbourne, won't be easy to get around with them on
The traffic is going change from a mere barsteward to gridlock to a fare-thee-well. Not going to be a happy camper:mad:
My "answer" is to get into the CBD before 06:30 and duck around 15:30 ~ 16:00 - at least that's the plan. The first part is easy enough, but getting out of other people's agendas early is a tad trickier :rolleyes: - so I've already set my calendar as being 'busy' from 15:30 onwards for each of the days just before mayhem starts through untill a couple of days afterwards :D
Auld Bassoon
3rd March 2006, 06:40 PM
Oges, it dose have a proper flame, the Black GST protest group protesting about the "Stolenwealth Games" are bringing with them the "sacred" flame from the campfire at the tent embasy in Canberra. Wonder if the Queen will pop in to say hello
:D :D
3rd March 2006, 06:50 PM
Oges, it dose have a proper flame, the Black GST protest group protesting about the "Stolenwealth Games" are bringing with them the "sacred" flame from the campfire at the tent embasy in Canberra. Wonder if the Queen will pop in to say hello
There was no Wealth to be stolen until the white fella arrived.
Unless you count goannas and gallahs.
Maybe they are counting their life style as weath? :confused:
Al :confused: