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28th February 2006, 11:33 PM
How can someone just go out there and say something like

“We are currently developing a new application and it will be done in 8 weeks”

The true is we have not even started yet and it won’t be done in 8 weeks. Where did the 8 weeks come from? Do they just make it up as they go?

I have dealt with more then one of these idiots in my career so clearly it is in their blood.:mad:

Yeah, just copy and paste and it will be done.:mad:

Max Ripper
28th February 2006, 11:38 PM
? Did you lose again.

Max Ripper

journeyman Mick
28th February 2006, 11:50 PM
................Where did the 8 weeks come from? Do they just make it up as they go?..................

Of course! It's not like they know what they're talking about is it?:rolleyes:


1st March 2006, 12:17 AM
Funny. I seem to have been to similar meetings.:eek:

ps: It is also your fault when things are not done in the stated time.:mad: :mad:

1st March 2006, 12:32 AM
Relax. No-one can tell the difference between a rigged demo and the real thing :D

1st March 2006, 02:42 AM
Been there, had similar dumped on me & my mates. Seems WW1 didn't get all the chinless B*****ds ( No worry Sir, My men can do that frontal assault without support!) and now they have bred.

They belong to the same tribe that send out a heap of faxes to sub-offices at knock-off time on Fridays, as THEY walk out the door, with a requirement that a 20 or 30 page report must be prepared from scratch & presented by 9am Monday, after they have been sitting on the requirement for a couple of months - and its all the sub-office's fault if the report isn't done.

1st March 2006, 08:02 AM
"Management knows what he is doing, he has his reasons, just do it for chrissake"

Samson - carnivale

Greg Q
1st March 2006, 08:08 AM
Wongo, your management folks are "inventors" or "innovators".A title-that's all you need these days. Simply imagine something, announce it with a deadline, and leave it to the peons to flesh out the details.


1st March 2006, 08:15 AM
I'm so glad I don't work for a company like that any more....:D

Wood Borer
1st March 2006, 08:23 AM

Don't take it too seriously, if you stand up to them you will get a reputation like mine - grumpy, irritable ........ Some of our Sales people ask me if I am OK if I don't tell them in fundamental terms daily my assesment of their mental state. I think they like me and feel this is my way of being friendly - it's not, I wish they would take my advice except the graveyards would be overflowing.

They act like scumlike ignorant selfish fools but these people have no life, nobody respects them and I suspect they have small genitals.

In modern day Australia many of our managers and it seems all our politicians have similar attitudes which is why this place is going down the tube.

Think of all the beautiful things in your life such as your family, the invaluable time you spend with your family, your friends, your woodwork. Forget about the pea brains, if they treat you like this, view them as a source of money that you can use on those important things - family, woodwork ....

Been there, done that:(

Kev Y.
1st March 2006, 10:26 AM
Wongo, I should remind you that MICROSOFT have been doing this for the past decade (atleast). we will have the new improved windows ready for shipping on blah, blah, blah... THEN they continually supply us with "patches"..

so I ask you WHATS NEW?

1st March 2006, 10:41 AM
We used to attend these meetings when I was a pubic servant, unfortunately we never had this useful tool then: http://elsmar.com/level2/Bingo.html

1st March 2006, 10:46 AM
We used to attend these meetings when I was a pubic servant, unfortunately we never had this useful tool then: http://elsmar.com/level2/Bingo.html
Great game and very true.

Edit. Iain, that was a quick link change mate.:D

1st March 2006, 10:49 AM
Stick to the facts, if you need to respond. Lay out a timeline showing how you see the real programme with your current resources. Then tell'em that if they need to accellerate there will be a cost - extra people, overtime, whatever. This notion of people being put here to flog our guts out for other's benefit and big-noting is &&&&ful.

1st March 2006, 10:57 AM
Edit. Iain, that was a quick link change mate.:D
The first one changed itself to too many &&&&&'s and wouldn't work, it was a better one too:o

1st March 2006, 12:47 PM
The first one changed itself to too many &&&&&'s and wouldn't work, it was a better one too:o
I just filled in the appropriate &&&&& with the correct words. ;)

1st March 2006, 01:20 PM
"Naturally I will need more staff if you want me to do this" is a good starting point, plus there is an honourable tradition of scope reduction and slippage... You'll be OK with the 8 weeks I'm sure

1st March 2006, 01:21 PM
Wongo, just ask what they would like to fall off the desk, give them a realistic time line and stick to it. Keep reminding them that you are running on their time line, not on theirs (in writing).

And don't get caught reading the WW forum at work.;)

1st March 2006, 01:24 PM
Whenever we looked like falling behind, the first thing the pencil necks wanted to do was throw more staff at it. "Let's hire more programmers". Yeah, great idea, and so who is going to bring them up to speed and answer all their questions and check their work? I used to say "one woman can give birth to one baby in 9 months but 9 women cannot do the same thing in 1 month".

Pencil necks :rolleyes:

1st March 2006, 02:03 PM

1st March 2006, 02:06 PM
http://www.doodie.com/whack.php (http://www.doodie.com/whack.php)

1st March 2006, 02:08 PM
back to work Wongo, you have a deadline to meet:p

1st March 2006, 02:14 PM
The button is new. Try the wall to the left. This is new too.:cool:


1st March 2006, 02:25 PM
stop yer bleedin' moanin'!!! yer sound like a pack of purse carrying poms.

blah blah blah .... whinge... blah blah blah... moan... blah blah blah.... I only got 8 weeks...boo-hoo....

cry babies!

its a luxury to have a job, not a right! be grateful you've got one...


1st March 2006, 02:46 PM
Hey Wongo,

Sounds like you need to read this book - http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/013143635X/sr=8-1/qid=1141184665/ref=pd_bbs_1/103-5118346-5699842?%5Fencoding=UTF8

I found that I was relating to it a little too well :rolleyes:


Auld Bassoon
1st March 2006, 06:41 PM
G'day Scott,

Haven't you ever been "McKinsey'd" or "Accenture'd" - makes life a lot of fun, especially as most of these "consultants" haven't ever been in the business at hand, or even have the vaguest clue about the business model at hand.

1st March 2006, 07:01 PM
Sounds like you need to instigate a Friday arvo drinks session.

Besides making people think that the bosses actually give a stuff about them at a personal level, it allows you to lean over and say to the owners/CFO/senior management "So, you're stuffed... how are you going to manage that 8 week deadline that we are going to miss because old mate spanker has his head up his fundamental? Thats going to make you look like a complete tosser/Cost you a packet."

Backdoor, gutter and "old boy" politics - kept my ass out a sling many, many times.

You can do it by the book and put it in writing.... but its easier just to scare the bejesus out of the person with the most to lose.

2nd March 2006, 03:30 PM
Whenever we looked like falling behind, the first thing the pencil necks wanted to do was throw more staff at it. "Let's hire more programmers".

Oh I thought I was the only one who has heard that line before. It is just so logical isn’t it? 1 person 5 day, 5 people 1 day.:rolleyes:

The thing about my boss is she isn’t really a technical person, she is a salesperson. Sometimes she just doesn’t know what she is talking about. Whenever she picks up a clever IT word or technical term, she will remember it and without knowing what it really means she will use it in other conversations. It works for her because she deals with HR people most of the time.

This morning we had our first teleconference with our IT folks in the US and she went “We’ve been telling our clients the app will be ready in 8 weeks and it doesn’t look professional if now we go back and say it can’t be done”. O-boy-a-boy I really felt embarrassed to be on her side. Maybe she shouldn’t have made the promise in the first place. Realistically we will lucky to start coding in 8 weeks and it is a hell of a program which will take a while to complete.

Why do we always go out and make unnecessary empty promises? We do we always create pressure for ourselves?

:mad: :mad: :mad:

2nd March 2006, 04:22 PM
Two quotes spring to mind (from the construction world):

"Underpromise, then overdeliver - never the opposite."

"Overconfidence and enthusiasm may impress one's clients, but they will have no effect on the great forces of nature"

2nd March 2006, 05:55 PM

Clearly management were wasting their time when they sent you to that seminar in Noosa not long ago. You were supposed to develop a can-do attitude there, and to eliminate the sort of negativity you are displaying now. After all, if management, who didn't get where they are today by negativity, say the job can be done in 8 weeks, who are you to be white-anting their professional judgement? Enough of this defeatism; get to work; and, if necessary, stay late at the office for the next few weeks. You don't want to show your incompetence by being unable to fulfil this task on time, do you?

Seriously, I think the best you can do is to try your best in the situation without going too far beyond the call of duty. If your company ends up with egg on its face, hopefully you can avoid the blame.


2nd March 2006, 08:02 PM
Just remember those three little letters...


Cover Your A@#$....