View Full Version : Wire thermostat

28th February 2006, 12:48 PM
Hey everyone, im trying to fix my lizard enclosure with a thermostat, im having a little trouble wiring it.
My aim is to connect my lightbulb to my thermostat...having the lightbulb turn off when the thermostat temperature is high.

I've powered my lightbulb no problem, it's just figuring out the thermostat.
The thermostat has 3 terminals,
1x black
1x darkbrownish/red
1x no colour

It also has an earth screw for my green wire

My lightbulb socket has 2 wires
1x blue
1x brown

My power cord has 3 wires
1x blue
1x brown
1x green

So i basically want to make my globe switch 'OFF' when thermostat temperature is too high!
Can anyone help me here!? thanks

Wood Borer
28th February 2006, 01:00 PM
My thermostats have a 240V socket on them for the heaters.

Check out Brian at the Herp shop http://www.herpshop.com.au/ Top chap with good prices.

Be careful wiring it up yourself or you could burn the place down or damage your lizards.

Use a cage around the globe so the reptiles can't burn themselves.

Consider using a ceramic heater rather than a globe because a globe will burn out quicker. Have a chat to Brian who is an expert on reptiles and he will put you in the picture safely for both you and your precious pets.

28th February 2006, 01:21 PM
hey thanks for you're advice buddy :)
I bought a thermostat from animal attraction so i'd better not ask Brian since i didnt buy it from him lol, although i've heard his a nice chap too.

well the thermostat i have is at the herpshop.


I bought a ceramic socket for my globe, its not at ordinary globe, its a basking spot lamp, 25,000 hrs exo terra 100watta so it's not too bad.
I can power it up..i just need help to connect it to my thermostat!
Do you have the imit3 thermostat >?

please reply, thanks

28th February 2006, 01:26 PM
Please get an electrician to wire this up.
The questions you ask show you know nothing about electrical wiring.
You do NOT get a second chance with 240v. It will KILL you or others.
We do not want to loose you so soon.:eek:

28th February 2006, 01:54 PM
:( Well i do know a little bout wiring, i managed to wire my flurescent batton holder and my power globe up, it's the thermostat's that is confusing me. Can you please give me a guide, i have a safety switch, so when im playing with the wires, I turn all electricity off just incase.
The instructions don't explain the wiring! I'l show you a pic of my terminal, please give me a guide if you can?
I really can't afford to call an electrician over, i've spent so much money building this enclosure, I'm a student ;/

http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/9486/thermostat5sq.th.jpg (http://img240.imageshack.us/my.php?image=thermostat5sq.jpg)

Thermostat Terminals

http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/1655/thermostatterminal2ql.th.jpg (http://img240.imageshack.us/my.php?image=thermostatterminal2ql.jpg)

Power Cord Wire
http://img240.imageshack.us/img240/602/powercordwire3fv.th.jpg (http://img240.imageshack.us/my.php?image=powercordwire3fv.jpg)

Globe wire
http://img376.imageshack.us/img376/3884/globewire0wn.th.jpg (http://img376.imageshack.us/my.php?image=globewire0wn.jpg)

I can power my globe up no problem, it's figuring out how to connect the globe blue and brown wires to my thermostat .. which terminal do they go under? Any ideas?
I know I have to ground the green earth onto thermostat metal screw.. but as for brown and blue.. im not quite sure!
I want the globe to turn off, when temperature is too high.

Wood Borer
28th February 2006, 03:00 PM
Dave is correct, an electrician is the only legal way to do it.

A themostat is a switch that will open and close depending on the temperature setting of the dial. It is wired in series with the Active leg. It is possible the contacts on your thermostat are Single Pole Double throw. The electrician will be able to determine the common, normally open and normally closed terminals using a multimeter.

My thermostat is much different to yours in that it is wired up already in a socket.

What type of lizards have you got?

I have two little pythons - much easier to keep than lizards.

28th February 2006, 03:08 PM
hey thanks for you're replies, i have 2 bearded dragons, hmm il try figure out a way to connect it through a series it cant be that difficult.. hopefully