View Full Version : I am confised it must be hormonal

Phil Spencer
24th February 2006, 01:55 PM
I remember when I was younger If I was off work due to illness, there was nothing more enjoyable than sneaking some shed time it always made me feel better.

Now that I am older if I am laid up sick I feel guilty and feel the need to rush back to work, even wandering out to the shed I feel guilty and that I should not be there till the weekend.

Is this a simptum of older age or has something been put in our water to make me feel guilty and work harder even if I am ill?

Its that bad my wife has confinscated the keys to my car to keep me at home.

Does any one else feel like this?


24th February 2006, 02:03 PM
Hell no!!!


24th February 2006, 02:24 PM
Not any more. :D

24th February 2006, 03:26 PM
Err yes, I do feel like this - if I'm sick, then for me to stay at home I have to be too sick to do woodwork. Can't go out anywhere unless it's to the doc's or the chemist.


24th February 2006, 06:47 PM
I had last Friday off as a leave day, twisted my ankle on the Sunday and had Monday off as could barely stand on it. It was ok on Tuesday but still painful when walking on it, even now when walking too long or driving makes it ache.

Probably should have rested it longer. Dr was ho hum about it cos there was no swelling, so how bad could it be. It was mostly having had Friday off that made me go back sooner.

Plus job security isnt as good as it was say 20 odd years ago, so we dont want to give them any reason for a bad performance review.

24th February 2006, 07:19 PM
I haven't been back to work for fifteen years;) :) :D after feeling unwell oneday and I cannot keep out of the workshop.

Auld Bassoon
24th February 2006, 07:31 PM
You kidding !!! :)

24th February 2006, 08:10 PM

Phil Spencer
24th February 2006, 08:20 PM
Feel better now that I have been able to complete my reports and fax them to the office.
