View Full Version : flooring on stairs

20th February 2006, 09:53 AM
Hi all,

I'm looking to lay either hardwood T&G or the laminate click flooring over stairs. Currently the stairs are just plain wood. (Just installed).

My problem is that the tread overhangs the riser and has a rounded edge on it. How do I get around this?

What is the 'correct' way of laying flooring on stairs,


20th February 2006, 10:05 AM
You should prolly have specified what timber you wanted when you had them made.

I wouldnt put any sort of floating floor over stairs, its asking for trouble, as in, someone tripping down the stairs.

Al :)

20th February 2006, 04:00 PM
If you cover the tread what do you intend to do with the riser, look a bit odd doing just the tread methinks.

How you address the rounded overhang depends on what you do with the riser.