View Full Version : Outdoor Sink

17th February 2006, 02:46 PM
Just found this forum, looks great.

Just finished a pergola out the back which looks a treat but as our kitchen is upstairs and a long way away, I'm thinking of installing a small kitchen sink and cupboard outdoors. Plumbing and waste won't be a problem but exactly what to build the thing out of or whether something might be available off the shelf, given that the unit will subject somewhat to the elements???? Any ideas appreciated.

17th February 2006, 03:12 PM
any stainless steel sink will withstand the elements fine, my kitchen sink goes through much worse then what the weather could throw at it and still looks good!

Bin J
17th February 2006, 05:06 PM
We are having a 'bench' put outside, alongside the bbq, but unlike you, I don't think we have access to water and waste to allow us to have a sink.

However, for the bench we were planning to do the following.

The sides built up with blocks and then 'bagged'.
Two options: Recycled tongue and groove boards for the 'benchtop', then finished to provide some weather protection. OR concrete top, then tiles.
Then have mini-orb cladded doors which will be well under the front of the benchtop.

Hope this makes sense. Any opinions on how this will not be suitable are welcome.

17th February 2006, 06:24 PM
However, for the bench we were planning to do the following............... OR concrete top, then tiles.

That's what I did on the bench either side of the BBQ. Looks good and is easy to clean, but mine is under cover.


19th February 2006, 10:02 AM
You can buy some totally freestanding items for this purpose, I think I've seen them at bunnings, all stainless bench with a sink, probably a bit pricey but certainly would save the time. Also try bbq's galore also - just buy somewhere else coz those guys sure know how to make a margin on a product.

19th February 2006, 12:12 PM
Is your local hospital being demolished??? I was at work one day and the dumpster had a 4m stainless integrated bench and sink it it. Perfect I thought, when i looked 10 minutes later the bin was gone.

I'd go and check with them, you may be lucky

Cheers Pulse

19th February 2006, 01:50 PM
Why dont you go and have a look in the local salvage yard, they often have stainless sinks with some side benches ect.

20th February 2006, 11:37 AM
Thanks muchly to those who replied.

Some ideas in there that all sound possible. I was a regular at Bunnings during a 2 month period off from work that included the pergola, new light fittings, air conditioning and too many other things to mention. Didn't see anything there but I'll have a closer look next time. Similar at our local salvage will check there again and the block and benchtop sound great too.
