View Full Version : cabbots waterbased floor finish

la Huerta
15th February 2006, 07:48 PM
has anyone used this, was looking for a waterbased tough finish for furniture that's quick drying ,thought it might be good...

thoughts and sugestions appreciated...

la H

Auld Bassoon
15th February 2006, 08:31 PM
Not really qualified to say, but I do prefer floorseal or Danish oil for a finish if it isn't shellac & wax. Minwax is pretty good too - a form of oil-based finish.

la Huerta
15th February 2006, 09:22 PM
i likee shelac and wax too but it's just nt durable enough for say a dining table, and if it's stained then i need something hard enough to protectt it...

i'm ran out of supplies and thought it might be a good time to explore to grounds...

how hard is hard shelac, as tough as varnish?